This is comical.
just because you have an Avenue to share your stupidity doesn’t mean you should. As that great philosopher Lisa Simpson once said, ‘better to Remain quiet and be thought of as stupid than to open your mouth a remove all doubt.’
please share your whacky claims.
First of all, just to be clear, this is all C Marsh and no one else. J Huth while in Managed Markets was a great leader who fair and hired a diverse set of individuals.
Just to give a flavor:
Often questioned why green cards were supported by the company and wanted to stop support completely.
Very unprofessional in meetings by making individuals feel they didn’t belong to the team and often ridiculed them by laughing with others in the room when she didn’t agree with comments. It was like she was trying to be a high school bully!
Always gave a difficult time to minorities (especially minority men) by trying to sideline them, exclude them from key initiatives, or not actively acknowledge any of the great work accomplished by giving credit to others who were white!
Only the lightweight stuff here. There’s a lot more deeper stuff than this that will be saved for another forum. Any professional and world class company would have acted on this and corrected it, and this isn’t the deeper stuff.
HR here is plain useless and about the worst I’ve seen in my career amongst companies I’ve been at as they would often side with senior leadership on any issue.
If you think that the above is “stupid”, take your own medicine by adhering to your silly quote!!