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Office culture


Negotiating an offer in marketing coming from west coast pharma, heard BI is a little different than the stuff in NJ/NY, interviewers seemed great.

is it really more employee friendly than other big Pharma types?


It’s super friendly. Just ask anyone. Except for the people who dislike it at BI. Those people don’t think it’s so friendly.

BI is just like any other pharma company. Some good people, some mediocre people. Good aspects or culture and others that are not so great.

CT office is still primarily remote, so don’t expect to meet your teammates love anytime soon.

Negotiating an offer in marketing coming from west coast pharma, heard BI is a little different than the stuff in NJ/NY, interviewers seemed great.

is it really more employee friendly than other big Pharma types?

AIM HIGH on your salary. What you put down on the application is what you will get; no negotiations

Compared with other US pharma, Its very beaurocratic and hierarchical
Many more layers than other pharma companies
Way more processes, way more emails, big focus on cya documentation
Moves very slowly, lots of review and committees
Lots of long term employees that have not worked any where else
Lots of academics that are proud of PhDs but it’s not really related to the job
Private company
So all in all different culture compared with other US pharma
Little bit stingy with holidays, no lump sum for work from home set up etc just pretty tight with funds and perks, again just based on working at othe US companies it can be a bit of a shock

They treat their sales reps horribly and threaten them about meeting endless metrics. BI has one of the worst corporate cultures that I’ve ever seen. Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere.

Go anywhere but Ridgefield. They’re being run into the ground and it’s full of CYA “yes” people who will eat each other alive to hang onto their job. It used to be great but now it’s like any old pharma. They take away little things from employees over time while wasting colossal sums on dumb shit. HR is the worst and should never be trusted.

We are heavily weighed down with metrics. There should only be ONE metric. Sales numbers. That’s it.

the only thing worse than all the metrics is all the calls to talk about the stupid metrics. It’s ponderous. I’d rather be Casey Kasem spinning the hits at 2:00AM.

This is a PRIVATE GERMAN company.
That should tell you about the culture, the people are not bad but they are bound in matrixes, processes and multiple layers of approvals. It is a shame because the products are great and people want to do well. Some marketing are back in Ridgefied which is a nice campus but nothing like west coast parma.

It is a very strange. The ideas spoken at the top are to move more quickly and they seem to want to be more like biotechnology companies. But what is really going on is another story entirely. Committee and hierarchy style of work. Lots of layers of people it’s as though they never got the memo on flat organizations. When they tried to fix the processes, they made more of them. It’s really behind the times. People laugh about it. I don’t know if it could ever change.

BI in NOT a world class company. It's place that's like a country club. You get ahead by kissing butt and people don't care what you do.

I have worked at a total of 5 companies over my 25+ career. This one was by far the worst!!! Incompetent leadership, if you didn't do exactly what they said or you are a minority, they would find reasons not to promote you or even get rid of you.

People, as CM in Managed Markets, are absolutely nasty and should be investigated for racism and bullying. Any respectable company would have already gotten rid of her!

Would love to see what you have to back up your claims. Arguably the most diverse group at BI is in Market Access.

and then look at the formulary picture for our portfolio. That doesn’t happen by being a bully or racist.

you’re way off base dude. You didn’t get the role because you’re not qualified. Nothing to do with your gender, race, religion or sexual preferences.

Would love to see what you have to back up your claims. Arguably the most diverse group at BI is in Market Access.

and then look at the formulary picture for our portfolio. That doesn’t happen by being a bully or racist.

you’re way off base dude. You didn’t get the role because you’re not qualified. Nothing to do with your gender, race, religion or sexual preferences.

What?! Diversity?! :p:p

Would love to see what you have to back up your claims. Arguably the most diverse group at BI is in Market Access.

and then look at the formulary picture for our portfolio. That doesn’t happen by being a bully or racist.

you’re way off base dude. You didn’t get the role because you’re not qualified. Nothing to do with your gender, race, religion or sexual preferences.

Definitely sounds like a response from someone in leadership, has drank the kool aid, or CM!

The “claims” will be brought up at the appropriate time!!

This is comical.

just because you have an Avenue to share your stupidity doesn’t mean you should. As that great philosopher Lisa Simpson once said, ‘better to Remain quiet and be thought of as stupid than to open your mouth a remove all doubt.’

please share your whacky claims.

It’s very rigid, if something changes you get scolded for poor planning, they don’t get adapting flexibility or agility at all, just try telling someone that things have changed and you need their task one week earlier. They will freak out. very hierarchy based, ppl are responsive to power not logic. Focus on unimportant creates lots of delay and resource use, will pass small matters back and forth it has to be checked, reply to each trivial line item of the checker and return for recheck, repeat. Complete a form to say that the form was done. So if you are biotechnology company type it can be soul killing.

This is comical.

just because you have an Avenue to share your stupidity doesn’t mean you should. As that great philosopher Lisa Simpson once said, ‘better to Remain quiet and be thought of as stupid than to open your mouth a remove all doubt.’

please share your whacky claims.

First of all, just to be clear, this is all C Marsh and no one else. J Huth while in Managed Markets was a great leader who fair and hired a diverse set of individuals.

Just to give a flavor:

Often questioned why green cards were supported by the company and wanted to stop support completely.

Very unprofessional in meetings by making individuals feel they didn’t belong to the team and often ridiculed them by laughing with others in the room when she didn’t agree with comments. It was like she was trying to be a high school bully!

Always gave a difficult time to minorities (especially minority men) by trying to sideline them, exclude them from key initiatives, or not actively acknowledge any of the great work accomplished by giving credit to others who were white!

Only the lightweight stuff here. There’s a lot more deeper stuff than this that will be saved for another forum. Any professional and world class company would have acted on this and corrected it, and this isn’t the deeper stuff.

HR here is plain useless and about the worst I’ve seen in my career amongst companies I’ve been at as they would often side with senior leadership on any issue.

If you think that the above is “stupid”, take your own medicine by adhering to your silly quote!!