Offers Froze in Northwest


Any truth to why they are waiting on us? They said because they wanted to wait out Sage’s layoffs and other companies that have employees but I’m worried that they will just postpone or was this expansion just for investors

Any truth to why they are waiting on us? They said because they wanted to wait out Sage’s layoffs and other companies that have employees but I’m worried that they will just postpone or was this expansion just for investors
The real reason is nobody will work for Brady Hill. Once they get rid of him they can recruit.

Any truth to why they are waiting on us? They said because they wanted to wait out Sage’s layoffs and other companies that have employees but I’m worried that they will just postpone or was this expansion just for investors
I think you’re on to something. Shady company with no intention of expanding, it seems.

Interesting. The reactive approach does make one think there is no intention of building longevity, only sellable assets. I was offered a job this week for big pharma. Methinks it wise to accept. I wasn’t sure, but the freeze and layoff has me thinking it’s time to hedge my bets.

Interesting. The reactive approach does make one think there is no intention of building longevity, only sellable assets. I was offered a job this week for big pharma. Methinks it wise to accept. I wasn’t sure, but the freeze and layoff has me thinking it’s time to hedge my bets.

“Methinks it wise to accept?” Who actually talks like this. Who are you; Yoda, Othello? What an insufferable douche.

“Methinks it wise to accept?” Who actually talks like this. Who are you; Yoda, Othello? What an insufferable douche.
People on the internet making jokes about a joke company talk like that. As a joke. I understand it’s hard to see a joke when you are a joke.

This all you got, Drunky? Come back when you have a reply that’s a little less lame.

you can now add to the list of not being hired by Hill being pregnant and a new mom. Should have listened to everyone
Good for you! You would have regretted it anyway. Hey have you seen his new headshot on LinkedIn? OMG he's gained so much weight he looks like an inflated balloon! He must be as wide as he is tall now!

Some people come here for information, and your vendetta against one person is sad. I don’t know your story, but I’m sick of seeing this topic scroll across the boards. Move on with your life because this misery will get you fired at your next job.
I don’t mind these posts. I’m currently at Axsome (interviewing, so not for long) and wish I’d stayed where I was. This is exactly the type of people Axsome hires. I think these posts show candidates exactly what the culture is