Offers for start date 2/28


For those that received an offer with a start date of 2/28 what was salary, bonus, car, cell phone, internet, etc. Still waiting. Also have where are the training locations? I'm Midwest Thanks


For those that received an offer with a start date of 2/28 what was salary, bonus, car, cell phone, internet, etc. Still waiting. Also have where are the training locations? I'm Midwest Thanks

Salary is competitive, bonus is 23k potential, no news on phones, car or internet. Medical is expensive and no STD/LTD or life insurance.

Congrats on offer. Have upcoming interview this week...wondering how interview went, specific info they were looking for? Did you have previous diabetes experience? Heard they wanted last 3 yrs prfmnc reviews... Thnks for help/advice

Make sure you do your homework on the products. If you dont have a lot of diabetes experience then read up and show them in the interview that you do understand the disease state. Also have your yearly reviews, that was big for them. If you don't have them they will ask you to get them and without them your most likely not going to get the position. I also addressed the 2 year contract and how that would fit into my life. They don't want people who are going to accept the job and them continue to look. That's what i did any anyway..Good Luck!

Thanks for helpful info. I had also heard yearly reviews were a "make it or break it" deal for them. However the 2 yr contract issue is good to know. How would anyone answer this to make it sound as if it's a good thing?? That will be tough. Congrats on offer....thanks for advice; feedback...greatly appreciated!

You can sell it to your advantage. The industry is cutting jobs and the companies that are hiring are likely going towards the contract positions. This position is different then other contract jobs since you will be an employee of BI. They are promising you 2 years and maybe more if you/product does well. This can be good for you since you know what to expect from the company, you wont be blindsided with a layoff. That's why this position over the other positions out there. I also found that the territory is managable compared to other companies I interview with. I just stressed to them that if offered the position I would not only accept but I would not look elsewhere. My advice, address their concerns and you'll do fine.