Would anyone here actually accept an offer for an OSR job? Just got an offer and I think I must be nuts for even considering. Thoughts? And if the Cretan trolls could just save your comments please.
Thank you.If you are unemployed ... Go for it. If you are employed with a steady paycheck ...don't risk it.
Same in the GI division. Salix has sucked since the acquisition last spring. Steady stream of people leaving. There should be even more resignations by next week as end of Q1 will have passed and Q1 bonuses will be paid to those who made it to end of quarter. No more incentive to stay. Offers already accepted and now resignations can be safely submitted. This trend is happening in all divisions: GI, Derm, Occular, etc.the above post is correct. I left in Feb and would have left earlier, but I don't want to job hop and wanted to make sure the move was the right move. Ever since Valeant bought B+L it has been hell. You won't get the samples you need to grow your business, you have no manage care coverage on any of your products, coupons only work at Walgreens and goals are unattainable. Unless you don't have a job, avoid at all cost. Good luck.
It goes even deeper than the responses posted. All expenses are run through your valeant credit card. No matter what you do and how often you submit expenses they will be late paing. You will incur late fees. Your credit quill reflect. Sometimes they do n9t remit the full amount. Right now u have $122 they are not reembursing. Any trade shows will not receive the money promised on time, making you look bad. Your gas card might be declined. My corporate card was declined several times. Called them and was told Valeant notorious for non payment. They give you a company phone instead of using your own, but it has minimal data. You use it as a Hotspot for your ipad. Not enough data to get through a month using it only for company work. They will promise you days off then renig. You will be promised money that you will not get, or they will change the "rules" after the fact. Just last December CEO promised 4 floating days to each of us since we didn't get the week after Christmas off. Many of us took it because one week later we would get the days back. HR came back weeks later and said no, we can't do that afterall. This left people a week short on vacations for this year. At the national sales meeting they are refusing to pay for my $25 x 2 for 1 suitcase on the airline they booked me on. I go for 4 days and they won't pay for 1 suitcase??? It was not overweight, either. If they can screw you, they will. Don't do it. Just dont. I would work at Walmart before going back to valeant. I resigned a few weeks ago.Would anyone here actually accept an offer for an OSR job? Just got an offer and I think I must be nuts for even considering. Thoughts? And if the Cretan trolls could just save your comments please.
It is terribly embarrassing when they turn off credit cards. I've had it happen several times with gas and mastercard. I file expense reports weekly now and they are always late. ALWAYS. I'll refuse to do a dinner program with speakers. I'm afraid I'll be standing in a nice restaurant with a declining account.It goes even deeper than the responses posted. All expenses are run through your valeant credit card. No matter what you do and how often you submit expenses they will be late paing. You will incur late fees. Your credit quill reflect. Sometimes they do n9t remit the full amount. Right now u have $122 they are not reembursing. Any trade shows will not receive the money promised on time, making you look bad. Your gas card might be declined. My corporate card was declined several times. Called them and was told Valeant notorious for non payment. They give you a company phone instead of using your own, but it has minimal data. You use it as a Hotspot for your ipad. Not enough data to get through a month using it only for company work. They will promise you days off then renig. You will be promised money that you will not get, or they will change the "rules" after the fact. Just last December CEO promised 4 floating days to each of us since we didn't get the week after Christmas off. Many of us took it because one week later we would get the days back. HR came back weeks later and said no, we can't do that afterall. This left people a week short on vacations for this year. At the national sales meeting they are refusing to pay for my $25 x 2 for 1 suitcase on the airline they booked me on. I go for 4 days and they won't pay for 1 suitcase??? It was not overweight, either. If they can screw you, they will. Don't do it. Just dont. I would work at Walmart before going back to valeant. I resigned a few weeks ago.
Would you go to work for Enron?Would anyone here actually accept an offer for an OSR job? Just got an offer and I think I must be nuts for even considering. Thoughts? And if the Cretan trolls could just save your comments please.
It goes even deeper than the responses posted. All expenses are run through your valeant credit card. No matter what you do and how often you submit expenses they will be late paing. You will incur late fees. Your credit quill reflect. Sometimes they do n9t remit the full amount. Right now u have $122 they are not reembursing. Any trade shows will not receive the money promised on time, making you look bad. Your gas card might be declined. My corporate card was declined several times. Called them and was told Valeant notorious for non payment. They give you a company phone instead of using your own, but it has minimal data. You use it as a Hotspot for your ipad. Not enough data to get through a month using it only for company work. They will promise you days off then renig. You will be promised money that you will not get, or they will change the "rules" after the fact. Just last December CEO promised 4 floating days to each of us since we didn't get the week after Christmas off. Many of us took it because one week later we would get the days back. HR came back weeks later and said no, we can't do that afterall. This left people a week short on vacations for this year. At the national sales meeting they are refusing to pay for my $25 x 2 for 1 suitcase on the airline they booked me on. I go for 4 days and they won't pay for 1 suitcase??? It was not overweight, either. If they can screw you, they will. Don't do it. Just dont. I would work at Walmart before going back to valeant. I resigned a few weeks ago.
I will have to agree with the OP. If you took vacation days the last week of December, you did not get the floating holidays. I have had several occasions that my company card was declined, even when I was not past due. It happened twice in February alone. I was buying lunch for an account so I was not allowed to put it on my personal card and move on. Two people in my district had their gas card denied, which should not happen. I never have. I filed an expense report every week. Never less than every other week. They sometimes went two months sitting in the queque after my boss approved them. There is one there now that he approved on the first week of March. I cant say it happened often, but it does. I know several people whos cards were turned off "erroniously". And as for the booth situation, the only time my four association meetings per yearhave been paid on time was when someone wrote a check and then filed for reembursement so we wouldnt lose our space. All four are regular meetings. We submit them every year several months in advance. The check has always been there, but it comes Fed ex the day the convention starts. Most need the money before then. Not sure where you are, but our conventions are well attended by docs, staff AND vendors.Look I'm not a Valeant supporter by any means, however some of these statements aren't true. If you submit things on time they will be paid on time. I spend a lot on the Valeant credit card and in the last 5 years here I have not been declined once. My gas card has not been declined once. The exhibit fees require an 8 week prior approval. Once approved the check gets cut immediately. BTW exhibit organizers don't care when they get the money. They're just happy to get the money. Look how many companies are not even exhibiting anymore. I got my 4 floating holidays. Maybe you should call HR. Not true that they "re-niged" on them. If I could I would show you my ADP page showing it. Also, I'm sure some CitiBank receptionist bad mouthed their customer to you over the phone. HA! The suitcase thing is up to your manager not Valeant bean counters. Also, my suitcase charge was reimbursed.
The post above is simply not true. Yes it does suck here but for other reasons. This person is just making things up. You sound like a typical underperformer. All complaining no action. Have you ever thought maybe they're trying to get rid of you?
And no, no one is trying to get rid of me as you suggested to the other poster. Im not complaining about what is going on, I am only agreeing with the original poster that these things DO happen. And the vacation thing at Christmas was a real nasty thing to do to people. Some people did not work that week and got the extra floaters. Those who were honest and put vacation days in the system got screwed.I will have to agree with the OP. If you took vacation days the last week of December, you did not get the floating holidays. I have had several occasions that my company card was declined, even when I was not past due. It happened twice in February alone. I was buying lunch for an account so I was not allowed to put it on my personal card and move on. Two people in my district had their gas card denied, which should not happen. I never have. I filed an expense report every week. Never less than every other week. They sometimes went two months sitting in the queque after my boss approved them. There is one there now that he approved on the first week of March. I cant say it happened often, but it does. I know several people whos cards were turned off "erroniously". And as for the booth situation, the only time my four association meetings per yearhave been paid on time was when someone wrote a check and then filed for reembursement so we wouldnt lose our space. All four are regular meetings. We submit them every year several months in advance. The check has always been there, but it comes Fed ex the day the convention starts. Most need the money before then. Not sure where you are, but our conventions are well attended by docs, staff AND vendors.