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Offer VEP if you really care about us!

You are all crazy if you think there will be a VEP. These are different times and lilly cannot afford this. You will be left to fend for yourselfs. I hope you have planned for this with updated resumes that would include additional education..masters, PhD education, side business revenue. The writing has been on the wall for several years and shame on you if you are caught off guard. You must take care of number one...you and your family and not let a company dictate your future. You own it, so take action cry babies.

Lilly has plenty of cash and Lilly is still incredibly profitable. Look at the well above average dividend Lilly continues to pay its shareholders or the stock buy backs. Offering the VEP is an investment in future employee morale. Morale has been so incredibly low the last 12 months and another layoff will only crush it further. What even happened to the service chain commitment....engaged employees? I think not!

Not only will there never be another VEP but the amount an individual receives as severance is being greatly reduced. A 30 year employee will now be eligible for six months of salary as a severance package while an employee with up to 10 years of service will get one month of salary.
In case you had not noticed ~ this is not your father's Eli Lilly and Company.

Lilly has plenty of cash and Lilly is still incredibly profitable. Look at the well above average dividend Lilly continues to pay its shareholders or the stock buy backs. Offering the VEP is an investment in future employee morale. Morale has been so incredibly low the last 12 months and another layoff will only crush it further. What even happened to the service chain commitment....engaged employees? I think not!

Why does someone have to offer you a VEP? All the good reps left on their own. Just get a better job (tons out there no matter what you have heard) and get out.

Lilly has plenty of cash and Lilly is still incredibly profitable. Look at the well above average dividend Lilly continues to pay its shareholders or the stock buy backs. Offering the VEP is an investment in future employee morale. Morale has been so incredibly low the last 12 months and another layoff will only crush it further. What even happened to the service chain commitment....engaged employees? I think not!

The only moral that will improve is that of those that take the VEP. Why would we care about that? If you didn't tell the truth in your surveys you deserve what comes next

We do not have the resources to offer both a VEP and a major increase in John's bonus. We have priorities you know. Now get out there and sell, sell, sell.

Your caring Leadership

The only moral that will improve is that of those that take the VEP. Why would we care about that? If you didn't tell the truth in your surveys you deserve what comes next

You really think that leadership gives a crap about those surveys? They cover their butts and hide all the bad reviews. Over half my team has left over the last year and HR didn't contact one of them to do an exit interview. One rep called multiple times begging for an exit interview and kept being told that someone from HR would call him. They never did. Face it people, Lilly is running itself into the ground on purpose. Those surveys are pointless. Nobody cares.