Off Label Showcase!


I had a group of allergists rxing sporanox for aspergillosis, Novartis made these allergists tier 1 targets for Lamisil. It took a phone call, by me, to the Lamisil medical dept. to get these specialists removed! I remember saying to the medical director "Novartis is asking me to sell this off-label by making these doctors tier 1 targets."

One of my past managers yelling at a doctor as he was walking back to his office "don't forget to start Sandostatin earlier for your patients" I about ran out of the office! Needless to say the mgr. is no longer with us!

Question to all; did you do the off-label pushing on your own or you were ordered to do it by any level of managemet. If so have you see any evidence for it? If so have you saved it and will use it when you need to or want to. If you did not than you are simply bunch of morons so I suggest you go and study the Whistleblowers...thread so when you get any evidence of this mother of all crimes by bigpharma, you'd know what to do not to brag here with no effect or reason. You just look stupid.
Example of smart rep" Pfizer promoted Neurontin for depression and one rep only had voice mail recording of his stupid boss barking orders to go out and sell it for offlabel indication. He knew what to do and when it was over, he was rewarded $79 million by DOJ for doing the right thing. He'll never need the stupid pharma or any job again. How do you compare to this? You know the answer and it ain't pretty.

Question to all; did you do the off-label pushing on your own or you were ordered to do it by any level of managemet. If so have you see any evidence for it? If so have you saved it and will use it when you need to or want to. If you did not than you are simply bunch of morons so I suggest you go and study the Whistleblowers...thread so when you get any evidence of this mother of all crimes by bigpharma, you'd know what to do not to brag here with no effect or reason. You just look stupid.
Example of smart rep" Pfizer promoted Neurontin for depression and one rep only had voice mail recording of his stupid boss barking orders to go out and sell it for offlabel indication. He knew what to do and when it was over, he was rewarded $79 million by DOJ for doing the right thing. He'll never need the stupid pharma or any job again. How do you compare to this? You know the answer and it ain't pretty.

You are the smartest man in the fucking idiot!

Elidel for kids under the age of 2. Nice, especially since there is now a cancer warning on Elidel. Any lymphoma's for those innocent babies?

Worked with a rep whose tag line was "don't rub iy on your monkey". This ofcourse because Elidel cause camcer om Monkeys. Management loved it and gave her kudos. Peronally, I rub whatever I want on "my" monkey

You are the smartest man in the fucking idiot!

I was absolutely right, you are a bunch of morons, every last of you. This moron-like-response proves it 1111%. Now we know why Novartis is not afraid of you morons and continue to do what ever they want, be it legal, immoral, unethical, criminal, dirty, nasty and you name it, they can do it and order you to d it with them most obvious orders/evidence and you fucking morons would do nothing to stop them but brag here about what and how you did it.
BUT I am sure there is one of you who ain't moron and who will do the right thing. That is all it is needed to fuck this company as has already been done few times, always by one or two good guys. We don't need you to do it for you are doing it to yourselves. Can anyone feel sorry for you what ever happens? Not a chance! In fact opposite is the case.

I was absolutely right, you are a bunch of morons, every last of you. This moron-like-response proves it 1111%. Now we know why Novartis is not afraid of you morons and continue to do what ever they want, be it legal, immoral, unethical, criminal, dirty, nasty and you name it, they can do it and order you to d it with them most obvious orders/evidence and you fucking morons would do nothing to stop them but brag here about what and how you did it.
BUT I am sure there is one of you who ain't moron and who will do the right thing. That is all it is needed to fuck this company as has already been done few times, always by one or two good guys. We don't need you to do it for you are doing it to yourselves. Can anyone feel sorry for you what ever happens? Not a chance! In fact opposite is the case.

Do everyone a favor and fall backward off your high-horse. No one here is asking for pity from you and no one needs your thinly veiled thrown gauntlet to encourage more off-label lawsuits. Just look at how much Uncle Novartis is already shelling out these days in the courts; it is already happening. People in this thread are just blowing off some steam from all the stupid marketing decisions Novartis made these past 8 years. Go give Ralph Nader a lapdance or something...

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