Odummyfucker the scumbag

So this wasn't really about Giffords, but about the Dickhead in Chief? You don't find that a little disturbing? Or do you find his nacissism appealing?

Did I miss something but where do these t-shirts refer to Obama in any way "together we thrive" is not a campaign slogan maybe you should research your sources before posting such garbage?

Judi McLeod Most recent columns
Copyright © Canada Free Press
Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, and Glenn Beck.

Did I miss something but where do these t-shirts refer to Obama in any way "together we thrive" is not a campaign slogan maybe you should research your sources before posting such garbage?

The shirts are an obvious knockoff of the Obama Campaign slogan (Together We Can). For you to deny that is simply disingenuous

The idea that you would approve any kind of group demonstration at a service honoring the dead is just plain reprehensible. You should be hanging your head in shame.

The shirts are an obvious knockoff of the Obama Campaign slogan (Together We Can). For you to deny that is simply disingenuous

The idea that you would approve any kind of group demonstration at a service honoring the dead is just plain reprehensible. You should be hanging your head in shame.

Was not "together we can" but "yes we can".

Did I miss something but where do these t-shirts refer to Obama in any way "together we thrive" is not a campaign slogan maybe you should research your sources before posting such garbage?

these spurious and ridiculous attempts to manufacture a controversy do not deserve a response. It's been stated that he had nothing to do with how the memorial was put together, and it's telling that the right is attacking things like t-shirts and that he lied about opening her eyes, even though the physicians caring for her confirmed what he said.

Remember, they post such garbage to simply push the manufactured controversy, knowing full well that they are lying through their teeth. This event is the one thing that should show people just how truly evil the right is. Everything they profess is window dressing, used for the simple purpose of gaining power.

these spurious and ridiculous attempts to manufacture a controversy do not deserve a response. It's been stated that he had nothing to do with how the memorial was put together, and it's telling that the right is attacking things like t-shirts and that he lied about opening her eyes, even though the physicians caring for her confirmed what he said.

Remember, they post such garbage to simply push the manufactured controversy, knowing full well that they are lying through their teeth. This event is the one thing that should show people just how truly evil the right is. Everything they profess is window dressing, used for the simple purpose of gaining power.

Right on!

Right on!

That doesn't work either. I do not believe that Obama directly ordered the T-shirts. But surely it was organized by some Losercratic group. Perhaps the students, in their immaturity did it. If so, they are supposedly supervised by adult advisers. It takes quite a lot of work to order and produce that many shirts, so there were lots of people involved. Obama is the captain of the ship. He is the one ultimately responsible for everything that goes on in his administration.

At best, it just demonstrates very poor judgment.

Again, another fake outrage/controversy cooked up, this time, by Michelle Malkin. True to the Republican message machine, this totally made-up opinion by Malkin was then headlined by the Drudge Report. Why? Because they know their readers do not require any kind of validation. It only has to appeal to their hatred and a lie becomes truth. Again, the vile nature of the right is on full display.

From ASU:

"The name of the event and the logo for the event were done entirely by the university," said Johnny Cruz, a spokesman for the University of Arizona. "Branding of the event was not done in consultation with the White House, or any elected officials or political organization."

The T-shirts were also the university's doing, Cruz said.

"That was the university's idea," he said. "We wanted to give people something to remember, to symbolize the community spirit."

The university bought the shirts without the use of taxpayer dollars, although he wasn't sure if the cost was borne by donations.

"Almost everything was done by the university," Cruz said, including selection of the location for the event and planning the agenda. Once the president accepted an invitation, he said, the White House helped coordinate some logistics, such as security, but that was the extent of the White House involvement.

And "Together We Thrive" was conceived by a University of Arizona student, he said.

The shirts are an obvious knockoff of the Obama Campaign slogan (Together We Can). For you to deny that is simply disingenuous

The idea that you would approve any kind of group demonstration at a service honoring the dead is just plain reprehensible. You should be hanging your head in shame.

The idea that you would approve any kind of group demonstration at a service honoring the dead is just plain reprehensible. You should be hanging your head in shame.

Would that be the same head hanging shame of someone like Bubble Boinker who doesn't even bother to watch the service for a brave, Republican Jugde who died serving us because he's too busy verbally masturbating on a blog for an industry he doesn't even belong too?

Your mind is as twisted as your narrowing arteries.

Again, another fake outrage/controversy cooked up, this time, by Michelle Malkin. True to the Republican message machine, this totally made-up opinion by Malkin was then headlined by the Drudge Report. Why? Because they know their readers do not require any kind of validation. It only has to appeal to their hatred and a lie becomes truth. Again, the vile nature of the right is on full display.

From ASU:

"The name of the event and the logo for the event were done entirely by the university," said Johnny Cruz, a spokesman for the University of Arizona. "Branding of the event was not done in consultation with the White House, or any elected officials or political organization."

The T-shirts were also the university's doing, Cruz said.

"That was the university's idea," he said. "We wanted to give people something to remember, to symbolize the community spirit."

The university bought the shirts without the use of taxpayer dollars, although he wasn't sure if the cost was borne by donations.

"Almost everything was done by the university," Cruz said, including selection of the location for the event and planning the agenda. Once the president accepted an invitation, he said, the White House helped coordinate some logistics, such as security, but that was the extent of the White House involvement.

And "Together We Thrive" was conceived by a University of Arizona student, he said.

Leave it to ILAssclown to try and find smoke where the is no fire. This is just another case of a frustrated and angry con trying to find some sort of issue to latch onto. I love that Malkin has her panties in a bind over this and I am even more thrilled that the whole thing bugs ILA enough that he had to start this thread.

In his never ending quest to be relevant - ILAssclown falls flat on his face once again.
