Odummy incites violence

Everything was pretty nonviolent in Egypt until Odummyfucker opened his big yap last night.

Way to go you big eared fairy douchebag


This thread shows just how partisan and stupid you really are.

Trying to blame President Obama for ANYTHING going on in Egypt is a stretch, even by your bitch boy standards.

I suppose President Obama is also to blame for the Cowboys not making to the Super Bowl too.

Get a grip, ape-boy.

This thread shows just how partisan and stupid you really are.

Trying to blame President Obama for ANYTHING going on in Egypt is a stretch, even by your bitch boy standards.

I suppose President Obama is also to blame for the Cowboys not making to the Super Bowl too.

Get a grip, ape-boy.

He's responsible for the Bears not making it. Charles Woodson sure gave him a big Fuck you.