October Layoffs


I thought the layoffs already started in WH. It's the same crap at every pharma company. They don't care about nothing but the almighty dollar. It's not about the patients or the science like it should be.

I thought the layoffs already started in WH. It's the same crap at every pharma company. They don't care about nothing but the almighty dollar. It's not about the patients or the science like it should be.

Wow really so if the science don't sell then Merck should just keep doing it for the sake of goodness. If the milk shakes don't sell at Chick Filla then they stop selling them. The problem is you losers got introduced to the NCM and were convinced in your minds it meant sales don't matter and we were in the be good to customers business. When Rip Van Winkle woke up and realized its all about the sales you couldn't believe you were in a sales job. What do you want its a business and when sales are not keeping pace with what your getting paid and the benefits you have who can keep doing that.

Heard the packages will be good! Wonder why they don't get the 'hand raising' option across the whole organization to get rid of some of the 'high dollar' reps so they can be replaced or some of those losing their jobs can be repositioned! Other companies are doing this right now getting rid of the 140K reps and replacing them with 70K reps and Merck has been reluctant to this point to put packages on the table across the board! Numerous 20-25+ reps would consider a chance to get out 'with honor' if such an offer was extended and put in a reasonable perspective! Pfizer is putting out a package right now to replace thos 20+ who were brought in with Upjohn & Parke-Davis and I hear it is going well..about 300 have taken the package and retired...Merck probably has the same number and rather than have disruptive layoffs they could have amicable ones...after all we are no longer the 'no layoff' company so crowing rights mean little!

Merck will need to drop at least 25% more of its US-based employees by the end of 2013 if it intends to keep paying its dividend and if its strategy is to emphasize manufacturing, marketing, and selling its worn-out medicines into emerging markets at emerging markets margins. Unlike the US, other countries are not shy about imposing quid pro quo requirements for local employment in order to open up markets. There is a lot of head-cutting yet to happen in the US. Merck (and especially its US-based employees) have yet to realize that Merck must decentralize away from the US at the same time that it must reduce headcount. A double whammy for US-based employees. Plants and research sites will close and commercial models will change to those that require fewer internal employees. It doesn't matter whether such a plan makes long-term sense for the company since the rewards for such actions get paid out to the upper echelons before the total result is experienced by the company.

On average one in three or four US employees will be somewhere else in 2014 and in some areas, it might be more like seven in eight. The longer one can hold on to their job and their sanity, the more likely it is that one can depart into a US job market that will emerge from recession. That will take 2-3 years. A good question is how many of those retained that tolerate the crap that is heading their way will choose to stay once they experience the burdens and malaise of the New Merck that is heading their way. Salaries in those years will be depressed, taxes will not be lower, and retirement programs are evaporating as we breathe, so ones capability to save for retirement in the fewer years left to work will be significantly reduced. The golden years ended in 2008. Ain't life grand?

I thought the layoffs already started in WH. It's the same crap at every pharma company. They don't care about nothing but the almighty dollar. It's not about the patients or the science like it should be.

First of all, it's "anything," not "nothing." And come on, are you kidding. You don't care anything about the patients or the science just keeping your overpaid job. All they care about is making money, you say. Open the paper and check the stock price. About half what it was a decade ago. How much money do you think they are making? They are here to serve the shareholders and the board not you. Also, Obamacare is going to kill big Pharma and they have to prepare for it. Blame the administration for that one not your company.

Will cuts start in Neuorsciences and Women's Health in October?

Cuts in Women's Health?? I was under the impression that this group was one of the
"safest" places to be in the whole organization??

has there really been talk of cutting the Women's Healthcare Sales force???

Why?? (Except for the overlay territories)

If your in R&D your site head or EC+3 should have communicated with you that many will know their fates by the end of October. With the EC+4 being notified, I would not be shocked if Merck started to roll out layoffs real soon. The EC+4 announcements have to happen soon because at least in Kenilworth we know that the last days for some EC+4s have been releived of their duties, so they have been notified. It is just a matter of time now.

Just to add to the speculation pile, I think it will start real soon and majority will know by the end of October, it will just be rolling.

Didn't everyone get the memo on September 15th from Mark Timney? Neuropsychiatric and Women’s Healthcare specialty sales teams will be restructured...."affected employees will be informed by the end of October 2011. Employee selection decisions will follow established company processes." Merck will also offer the opportunity for employees in the aforementioned select areas to proactively “hand raise” and be considered for separation. It is what it is.

Didn't everyone get the memo on September 15th from Mark Timney? Neuropsychiatric and Women’s Healthcare specialty sales teams will be restructured...."affected employees will be informed by the end of October 2011. Employee selection decisions will follow established company processes." Merck will also offer the opportunity for employees in the aforementioned select areas to proactively “hand raise” and be considered for separation. It is what it is.

Hand raising option should be immediately in all divisions. I am in [ped vac div and it appears I am safe this round, but want to go and now. If it's not this year, than another scare will be at least the next two years and agree with poster this will occur through 2013.

I am asking the obvious. I have chose to retire. How is it these days with all the layoffs, waiting for your name to be called, finding out you are safe and knowing you may be next. Have all these affected your work attitude, how you spend your bonus/money, Merck loyalty and more? I keep thinking if I am in your shoes I will be a nervous wreck and can't blame anything long term.

Hand raising option should be immediately in all divisions. I am in [ped vac div and it appears I am safe this round, but want to go and now. If it's not this year, than another scare will be at least the next two years and agree with poster this will occur through 2013.

Agree hand raising would be good for everyone. It would help morale. People who want to leave could leave and the ones who want to stay would have a better shot.

I would like to know if you raise your hand...generally is that honored??
It would be a hard to work here after you made the decision to go.
If anyone is reading this from inside...please let me know

I would like to know if you raise your hand...generally is that honored??
It would be a hard to work here after you made the decision to go.
If anyone is reading this from inside...please let me know

Not an insider, but can speak from knowledge of a friend that did raise the hand high. NO, just because you raise your hand does not mean they will honor your request. Others that know will post the same and yes, you are right it would be awkward to work with your manager have this failed.

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