Oct 12, 2011 Earnings Announcement = Minus 4+ Million


This will never ever make a profit-flawed business..."longest-running flawed family/business on NYSE"-35 years of cheating/robbing investors, employees, customers....nothing useful/ creative ever came out of here-

unbelievable company-Will they fool investors, employees, customers,this decade?
Who wants to buy this stock?
Who wants to work here?

End of road?

Delisting soon?...

"Day of reckoning" tomorrow....Good luck!

How much can one company lose? 3Million? 4? 5? in a quarter? $12 to 20 Million a year? Every year? for 5 years? Forever?

Stop it investors. DON'T get fooled-again. and again. and again.

These are Robbers, thieves.

Stealing "other people's money"

Time to delist...should be investigated-:Occupy Wall Street: "Occupy Enzo"-

At least $4 Million loss guaranteed....again...

Amazing prediction-Almost to the dollar! One week before the sec filing!

I should take ur stock tips!
Yahoo lists 527 employees-how many left now? 300?

By next week, the last man standing will be the Janitor! No toilet paper left!-He'll be using Enz stocks as paper to fill empty rolls of tissue! Not that it will be needed! No one around! Stocks won't even be worth toilet paper-literally! He'll wipe his own as* on his way out....

Thanks for allowing me to bail! Monday is going to be bloodbath for this stock!