Occupy Wall Street...Why??


Active Member
There has been pretty early-on support by the cp liberals for this Occupy Wall Street "movement." What is it about the vague demands that renders such support?

To me it's pretty hard to nail down what they want, except the a common theme of legislating away personal responsibility.

Brendan O'Neill, a self-proclaimed leftist and former writer for something called "Living Marxism," says this:
The teenage moralism of the Occupy Wall Street hipsters almost makes me ashamed to be Left-wing
"Occupy Wall Street, the gathering of angry actors, graphic designers and various other hipsters in the financial districts of New York City, might just be the most degenerate Left-wing movement of recent times. Its weird demands, plastered across tongue-in-cheek placards and on super-cool, self-pressed t- shirts, capture the descent of the modern Left into the cesspool of victimology, conspiracy-mongering and disdain for mass society and its allegedly dumb inhabitants. Far from representing anything that I, a Leftie, would recognise as progressive and humane, this gaggle of rich kids spouts little more than snobbery and fear, seemingly incapable of deciding whom they loathe the most: greedy fat bankers or the dumb fat public.
Occupy Wall Street claims to be a mass workers’ movement, but it’s nothing of the sort. It is in fact a tiny, self-selected group of self-righteous, mostly middle-class activists who have failed to win over large sections of the American public to their “cause”..."



There has been pretty early-on support by the cp liberals for this Occupy Wall Street "movement." What is it about the vague demands that renders such support?

To me it's pretty hard to nail down what they want, except the a common theme of legislating away personal responsibility.

Brendan O'Neill, a self-proclaimed leftist and former writer for something called "Living Marxism," says this:
The teenage moralism of the Occupy Wall Street hipsters almost makes me ashamed to be Left-wing
"Occupy Wall Street, the gathering of angry actors, graphic designers and various other hipsters in the financial districts of New York City, might just be the most degenerate Left-wing movement of recent times. Its weird demands, plastered across tongue-in-cheek placards and on super-cool, self-pressed t- shirts, capture the descent of the modern Left into the cesspool of victimology, conspiracy-mongering and disdain for mass society and its allegedly dumb inhabitants. Far from representing anything that I, a Leftie, would recognise as progressive and humane, this gaggle of rich kids spouts little more than snobbery and fear, seemingly incapable of deciding whom they loathe the most: greedy fat bankers or the dumb fat public.
Occupy Wall Street claims to be a mass workers’ movement, but it’s nothing of the sort. It is in fact a tiny, self-selected group of self-righteous, mostly middle-class activists who have failed to win over large sections of the American public to their “cause”..."


I must have missed something but I think it's much ado about nothing. Eventually the protesters will get bored and, if left alone, will leave.

Here's a blurb I lifted today, written by a guy who infiltrated the protesters to get a story. I think he nails it.

Like other conservative critics of the Wall Street protests, Howley suggests the reason the protesters are gathering is for dating purposes: "It's hard not to get swept up in the Movement when you're among a hundred foot soldiers--most of them attractive 20-year-old girls--marching down E Street toward Freedom Plaza chanting, 'How do we end the deficit? End the war and tax the rich!'"

"Patrick, my boy---did you get laid?" one Spectator commenter wrote. "That's really the point of attending these things with the 24-year-old hippy chicks anyway, right?"

What blows my mind is how seriously BOTH sides are taking this. When I was in my 20s (and a staunch Republican) I loved to hand out with hippie, libbie, protester chicks. They're much more likely to get naked in a group, expose their breasts in a March and do a whole lot of other fun things than the mainstream - and that's sexciting.. Hell, you might as well do this shit while you're young, it isn't as much fun or as sexual when you get older.

When you get older you can find something exciting for your new age group - like having an affair. And you can post about that here too.

4D just likes to bitch and moan about most everything.

Funny how the little fella didn't get all bent out of shape, like he is on this thread, when all the tea party rallies where taking place.


4D just likes to bitch and moan about most everything.

Funny how the little fella didn't get all bent out of shape, like he is on this thread, when all the tea party rallies where taking place.

So asking the likes of you to explain your support for a "movement" is what you call "getting bent out of shape?" Looks like having to defend your knee jerk reactions has you a bit twisted up.

You're waving an already worn out flag when you try to compare these people to the tea party movement. Tea party folks had pretty succinctly expressed objectives with which you were free to agree or disagree. Despite your attempts to vilify this generally civil group, voters seemed to agree more than not. Not a lot of tear gas needed by police when the tea party folks were demonstrating. Oh, and they picked up after themselves.

So, here you are again, supporting what a self-described Marxist/Leftist describes: "The teenage moralism of the Occupy Wall Street hipsters almost makes me ashamed to be Left-wing."

Tell us all what it is that has captivated your imagination that you are on this board posting your support for them. What do you see in them that seems invisible to a far more articulate marxist? What, specifically, policies of their's do you want moved forward.