Occupy Amgen

Mr. Gallo the thurd

Dont you guys see that this is exactly what the occupy wallstreet is all about.

The CEO/Kevin @#$ face makes 200Xmore than you make. Does he deliver 200X more value for his work?

All you people working for Amgen are idiots or you can't find a job anywhere else

America is going down the drain because you do nothing.

LOL We are the 1%

you are a moron. The CEO's salary would only support 60-100 R&D people per year at most. As the CEO he is worth 200-300 R&D people at least he should get more not less.

There is no way Kevin has as many lvl85 WOW characters as I do. I spend most of the day playing wow and I am ok with Kevin making all the money while I collect enough money to cover my Blizzard account each month. You're the one with a problem, you don't know how to enjoy your free time

you are a moron. The CEO's salary would only support 60-100 R&D people per year at most. As the CEO he is worth 200-300 R&D people at least he should get more not less.

yeah, but add to his salary the $780 million charge they had to take this quarter due to sales and marketing techniques of questionable legality/ethics and he could support a lot more employees. They could be hiring instead.

And judging from the share price, just exactly why is he worth 10 R&D people, let alone the 200-300 you mention?

Guys u r doing it all wrong.

I do no Amgen work all day long, work on my hobbies, surf reddit, play games, do some day trading, plan trips, get a awesome salary. I skip at least 1 day a week to work on my house renovations. I got a room full of office supplies lol. It is a SWEET GIG!!!

Don't fight it, just milk it for all its worth.

I am loving it!!!

Any Amgen employee willing to talk to the press? You will be kept anonymous if that's what you want and we use your story. Call Michelle at the Thousand Oaks Acorn at (805) 484-2403, ext. 301.