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Ocaliva Future

we are fine. OCA will be fine. New info coming out. Calm down and do your job. Agreed though Ipsen is simply not a contender Except in one off situation's
Are you blind? We lost 5 in our district already. They were switched to seladelpar. We are not fine. Gilead has already beaten their forecast in the first few weeks. Please don’t bury your head because some manager is slamming the company kool aid. Every single rep I know here is interviewing or looking.

We all know this company has been a shell for a while, and if you believe there is any sort of future (and especially career development) you’re listening too hard to the likes of Jaime and Wes and not looking at the facts. 2 choices: find a job while you work this one or continue to phone it in and collect whatever severance and hope it holds you over.

So what has anyone from heard from their manager? Get your resume ready is a few ppl I have spoken with. I guess we will see tmrw on call. I am not looking forward to going into customers offices tomorrow, that is for sure!

Here’s the deal: I ain’t doing S%^%T until after October 15th. When I travel I will be enjoying great food, site seeing and will be logging ghost calls. So go F yourselves!

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