OBU cuts once agsin

Ahhh, the good old days in the OBU.

Last time this year we were basking in the Shire spotlight, now this place is a true goat fuck, FUBAR.

A real leader, CEO, would fire every single key OBU exec, including the fat fuck from mm who's only role was at the launch meeting and from then on, not a peep. WTF?

I know, its amazing FO an PS are still here. So many bad decisions. Also, I thought the most important part of the company is the "Field Force". Apparently not! They continue to screw us with bonus payout. Vyvanse goes to #3 most RX'd branded med and we aren't even at goal. Really??? Not to mention 0 adjustments for all the HCP's that they wouldn't add to our IC universes that we're suppose to get credit for. Anyone get a Q1 adjustment? I should have had 6 and nothing.

Did you notice the changes in VEEVA? I have never worked for a company that decided we would not need a list of cycle plan ECPs. WTF? Did it cost too much to provide?

Did you notice the changes in VEEVA? I have never worked for a company that decided we would not need a list of cycle plan ECPs. WTF? Did it cost too much to provide?
You can look it up under scheduler, but I hear you. No word on true up, no July baselines, no Aug goals or Aug -Dec goals I should say. Cycle plan docs missing, June bonus that was supposed to be paid asap per Perry now not until September.... This place is a disheveled mess. I hope that take that survey to heart because I gave 1s across the board.

Did you notice the changes in VEEVA? I have never worked for a company that decided we would not need a list of cycle plan ECPs. WTF? Did it cost too much to provide?

I noticed it too. Try putting Smith or Jones or Williams in search. Instead of getting the two docs in your area to know scrolls through every practioner of every specialty and several Pharmacies too. What idiot made that decision?

You can look it up under scheduler, but I hear you. No word on true up, no July baselines, no Aug goals or Aug -Dec goals I should say. Cycle plan docs missing, June bonus that was supposed to be paid asap per Perry now not until September.... This place is a disheveled mess. I hope that take that survey to heart because I gave 1s across the board.

Why should we go to scheduler and scroll across 10 screens for a list that we CANNOT OPEN? These are the accounts we LIVE IN. Shouldn't we have them as a tab? I would gladly trade it for the NNU tab. Give it back. Now.

I noticed it too. Try putting Smith or Jones or Williams in search. Instead of getting the two docs in your area to know scrolls through every practioner of every specialty and several Pharmacies too. What idiot made that decision?
Pharmacies and PC docs...why the hell do wet even have those in our system?