OBU Culture


To the great people of the OBU please consider leaving this division on your terms. This division and organization has jumped the shark. Everyone I speak with is unhappy and fearful. PS tongue lashing, no pun intended, at NSM gives you a prelude to what the future holds. It also demonstrates the real culture of this organization. Just remember, when the tide turns you could be one of the 40 in that room getting disrespectfully spoken too. On a side note, I heard reps in the front row of that bitch session were given ponchos to deflect our President's saliva shrapnel. The days of career development and a positive work environment are over. Make or fake as many calls as possible. This Ménage a trios is out for themselves. The "we value the salesforce", "you're the revenue generators and I'm an expense" is bullshit. Look at track record of this group. Numbers are soft and they're trying to find a solution which is hard when you're not qualified or smart. Everything you do is being tracked by our plump Fuhrer KK, from iPad touches to logining on to vitals. The OBU doesn't trust you. She's perplexed because metrics are solid and numbers are soft. This stresses out KK which leads to crazy spreadsheets to justify and correlate metrics to lack of performance. That is all she knows, she lacks intelligence, foresight and strategy. Prime example, Project 20, another knee jerk tactical reaction similar to finish strong. Compound that with her being an awful human being. She has zero emotions when it comes to caring about people. Does anyone believe that "people" fuels her. That alone shows you that she is a fake. Torturing people is what "fuels her". The stress, distrust, and micro management will never end here and it's not worth the pay. Zero empowerment, just execute on her orders, hence the selection of her ZDs. You've been warned, get out while you have the control.

She has no life, work is her life and she's making the rest of us miserable who do have one like family, kids, and spouses. This is BL over again and I'm regretting my decision to come here, in dusting off my resume (and I'm a p club winner) after my trip I'm out this bitch is nuts.

Simple remedy: yes her to death and do your thing. Do the busy work, which is 95% of what we do, on company time, and don't leave your house until it's done.
She's a loser, she knows and puts up her facade. She doesn't work any more than you do; just talks a good game.
10-2, T and Th. That's all it takes.

Simple remedy: yes her to death and do your thing. Do the busy work, which is 95% of what we do, on company time, and don't leave your house until it's done.
She's a loser, she knows and puts up her facade. She doesn't work any more than you do; just talks a good game.
10-2, T and Th. That's all it takes.
I disagree. All she does is work. That Vampira sends emails all hours of the night, I doubt if she sleeps. If she does its most likely in a coffin to avoid the daylight.

she is just a terrible human being. She does send emails all hours. The managers at B&L used to meet at the sales meeting in a hotel room and laugh when they synched their laptops a hundred plus emails per DAY would come rolling in. All action items with exclamation points. She's a terrible manager. Terrible leader. So many posts on here warned everyone about how she operates. I think she tried to mask it a little while and there was another level of insulation, im sure your directors and managers filter a ton of junk out but leopards don't change their spots. She is a micro managing nut job. Exit stage left. Pronto. You all are in a hostile environment. An abusive relationship. Like the frog boiling in water you didn't feel it at first. Once you get out you will look back and not believe what you put yourself through. it's always better to leave on your own terms.

Once you get out you will look back and not believe what you put yourself through. it's always better to leave on your own terms.
I'd rather stay, observe, challenge appropriately and build a case against her. That way when they want you out they pay up, "biggly!"

Document everything and bring it up to HR when she tries to move in for the kill.

Culture is pretty good versus my former company. My manager respects my work and sales are going well. Senior management is doing a good job and is very approachable at meetings. So far so good.

The culture here is deteriorating by the day. At least in the OBU. Certainly isn't the beautiful picture they painted when hiring is. August is traditionally when alignment and call plans change. I predict big changes coming in August. Rumors are already circulating that territories will be getting bigger. My manager says people are actually complaining that their territories are too small and Drs are complaining they see us too much. Shut up people or they will make our territories bigger.

Culture is pretty good versus my former company. My manager respects my work and sales are going well. Senior management is doing a good job and is very approachable at meetings. So far so good.

Thanks for your thoughts Perry, but no that is not the case... senior management is the laughing stock of the company and industry.

The culture here is deteriorating by the day. At least in the OBU. Certainly isn't the beautiful picture they painted when hiring is. August is traditionally when alignment and call plans change. I predict big changes coming in August. Rumors are already circulating that territories will be getting bigger. My manager says people are actually complaining that their territories are too small and Drs are complaining they see us too much. Shut up people or they will make our territories bigger.

I'd rather stay, observe, challenge appropriately and build a case against her. That way when they want you out they pay up, "biggly!"

Document everything and bring it up to HR when she tries to move in for the kill.

That's a plan to be unemployed. HR is not there to protect you. HR is there to protect the Company and the officers. Did they bring BC with them to HR. If she's there,the wagons are circled. Any complaints go directly to them.

Culture here is the same as it was at BL WHEN she was there...the min she left before valeant took over it was great...the minutia had halted things got better.

I miss the other reps I worked with at BL. We all supported & helped each other. I just hated what Valeant did to the company. This team I'm on here has a lot of good people but 2 cut throat snakes, that are just out for themselves. I love my manager but question why these 2 were hired. Other than that, I'm really happy here.

I miss the other reps I worked with at BL. We all supported & helped each other. I just hated what Valeant did to the company. This team I'm on here has a lot of good people but 2 cut throat snakes, that are just out for themselves. I love my manager but question why these 2 were hired. Other than that, I'm really happy here.
They were hired because they were friends of KK