OBSR is where they truly weed people out. You can get by doing absolutely nothing as a territory rep and no one cares, they have no way to point fingers at you except time stamps or other objective criteria that any manager who wants to get rid of you can make up. When you get to OBSR you start to really see how this company operates. Not that it isn't apparent, as a rep, but the incompetence of management really becomes obvious. Specialty reps are expected to be micro-managers of 2 territories - the extension of actual management with none of the authority. You are put on an island by yourself and told that you are no longer a team member, you are a snitch -but you are still not part of the management team. You are to report everything that happens to management and if there is nothing to report you make something up. If you are not reporting problems up the chain then you are not doing your job. Not that management will do anything about it if there actually are problems. Well, I take that back - they will go behind your back, tell the pod managers that you are snitching out their reps. They then go back to your counterparts and tell them that you are talking about them, breeding a festering pool of contempt and distrust.

If you truly like your counterparts/team, do not take an OBSR position. If you are not part of the good ol' boy network, or you are not trying to become a part of the good ol' boy network then do not go for OBSR or management. It is the same as politics, most go in with good intentions, thinking they can change the system and make a difference. They say things like, "I won't forget what it was like to be a rep in the field." LIE, LIE, LIE!!!! If you move up and do not forget or you try to change things for the better you will be pushed out the door before you blink! Not that I have experience with this or anything. lol

Ignorance truly is bliss. I would probably still be with the company and miserable if I had not made the switch to OBSR. However, I look back at it as a blessing. I found out how things worked while still young enough to make a career change with no long term effects. I feel for some of my old partners though. Some really good guys who have been around a long time who feel stuck.

Spot on. The OBSR spot is not what it was when it was created ten years ago. Initially, the best reps were promoted to OBSR. Even through the promotion of Campral, a specialty only product, there was some prestige to the spot. Not anymore. Now, like the above poster said, no one cares and if you don't want to join the lackey management team you will be out or stepping down eventually.