OB's Voicemails are insult to Eisai


OB's voicemails are insulting. Each voicemail is a slap in the face to the reps who work hard every day and they never get credit for anything. Some spetic inspections are needed before OB opens his mouth next.

Before I knew how messed up OB was, I used to cringe FOR HIM when he'd leave messages (VM or email). Remember when he advised us to go and find a "hot spot at a Panera" to watch the Town Hall Meeting? Someone had to do immediate damage control on that one. If Japan would just let OB go that would mean "a lot of bacon and water at POAs" (remember this email gem?). Oh and the "uncertainty we face is nothing like the uncertainty our patients face". Gee, you're so sensitive, OB. I don't understand how someone this unprofessional lasts this long! Everyone at the top must be deaf, dumb, and blind.

"uncertainty we face is nothing like the uncertainty our patients face". Gee, you're so sensitive, OB"
WTF?? That is like comparing apples to pigshit. Excuse me, but aren't most of "our" patients like 90yr olds??that have already lived their lives(dont mean to be crass), but you should never judge unless you have walked in others shoes.. fck- evryone in life faces uncertainty-- quit making it all about esi and pretending like you are ven compassionate!!!
I mean what kind of hogshit statement is that?

The uncertainty the patients face is none, they are going to die in a few years-after all they are in their 70s. For us , the uncertainty is being unemployed for a long time- still know reps from last year who have NOT found jobs

OB's voicemails expose his complete lack of understanding of the business as well as his demeaning and condescending attitude toward others.

OB is trying to keep everyone updated. He's in a tough position. Products in any industry drive sales and unfortunately, we don't have the type of products to warrant our existing structure.

What should he say? In any crisis situation, one of the keys is communication. He is doing that. Everyone that isn't here in 45 days will find another opportunity. Years ago, this was one of the hardest and best industries to break into. Use that same resourcefulness to find another organization and opportunity.

OB is trying to keep everyone updated. He's in a tough position. Products in any industry drive sales and unfortunately, we don't have the type of products to warrant our existing structure.

What should he say? In any crisis situation, one of the keys is communication. He is doing that. Everyone that isn't here in 45 days will find another opportunity. Years ago, this was one of the hardest and best industries to break into. Use that same resourcefulness to find another organization and opportunity.

When will everyone that is not here in 45 days know they are being let go? This communication is needed.

OB is trying to keep everyone updated. He's in a tough position. Products in any industry drive sales and unfortunately, we don't have the type of products to warrant our existing structure.

What should he say? In any crisis situation, one of the keys is communication. He is doing that. Everyone that isn't here in 45 days will find another opportunity. Years ago, this was one of the hardest and best industries to break into. Use that same resourcefulness to find another organization and opportunity.

This is a big lie by LC and OB. They knew about the possibilty of setback and failure for years and did not devise a plan to deal with it. In fact, LC and OB were giving misinformation to Japan until a month ago. They are completely unpreppared to deal with something that many in the HO kew was going to happend. OB's VMs reveal both ignorance and arrogance by LC and OB.