OB's 1/25 "Today" email


Pretty serious language. Looks like this is the first step to announcing more cuts in the coming months. G Sachs reported we were banking on Eritoran to be a billion dollar blockbuster. Obviously that's not happening now. Good luck everybody...

Not overly excited about OB from time to time. I do think that his email was as good as it could be given the circumstances. He is more transparent than most in his position at other companies. Give the guy a break from time to time. And NO THIS IS NOT OB!

I appreciate his being candid and transparent. Why are we having a conference call tomorrow though with DM? It sounds as if they aren't going to be saying anything on the call? It sounds like they don't know anything? WTH?

Not overly excited about OB from time to time. I do think that his email was as good as it could be given the circumstances. He is more transparent than most in his position at other companies. Give the guy a break from time to time. And NO THIS IS NOT OB!

I agree, OB is very transparent and the fact that he may be in over his head is more of a negative reflection of LC and Naito for promoting him when they did. I think we would all take a bump if we were tapped to. OB may be somewhat incompetent but I have to say I think he does his best with all of us in mind.

I agree, OB is very transparent and the fact that he may be in over his head is more of a negative reflection of LC and Naito for promoting him when they did. I think we would all take a bump if we were tapped to. OB may be somewhat incompetent but I have to say I think he does his best with all of us in mind.

Rep cuts are a given. When and how many, we'll see. But how about RSD cuts?

To poster #9, sounds like it could be all of the FL DM's! The only one displaced though was Tampa DM. To poster #12, I agree! I think someone is mad that the reps work a heck of a lot more than the DM's and thinks the DM's should have to step up and stop faking like they work all day everyday when we all know they don't do a darn thing!

Hey OB, Cut it out. This is not David. You disrespected everyone the same way you mistreated Bryan. When you had your bike accident, Bryan reached out to you and offered his help. You didn't even have enough honor to attend his funeral and prevented others from attending his funeral . You have no class. You used everyone and then betrayed them when you get to the place you wanted.