Obesity the new smoking

Hey FIPNET executives!!!! Guess what? You are supposed to be treating obesity, not the diabetes and cancer that result from obesity http://www.latimes.com/health/la-he-cancer-obesity-20110307,0,2785774.story Get your acts together, quickly... and put down that donut!

Are you kidding? Addressing the cause would shut down our ever growing stream of revenue. If we focus on a temporary fix for the symptoms, we'll be able to live like kings.

Your ever-caring leadership team

"We will manage your 'condition' to a chronic state, then at the point of organ failure, we will gladly scoure our FIPNet for replacement organs to keep you as our revenue stream even longer. We'll never have our prices regulated centrally, because we love Chairman O'Bummer, Our Leader...

"We will manage your 'condition' to a chronic state, then at the point of organ failure, we will gladly scoure our FIPNet for replacement organs to keep you as our revenue stream even longer. We'll never have our prices regulated centrally, because we love Chairman O'Bummer, Our Leader...

We are well versed in the FIPNET-like approach to selling vital organs for our next meal, so go right ahead.... [/i] SUPERSIZE IT [/i]