ObamaCare Waivers Number OVER 1000

If this reform is so great, then why ALL the waivers? Now can you figure out the rest for yourself, you MORON??? Hopefully in the end, the ENTIRE country will get a waiver.

The only MORON is you.

In order to avoid disruption in the insurance market, the healthcare overhaul gives HHS the power to grant waivers to firms that cannot meet new annual coverage limits in 2011. The waivers have typically been granted to so-called "mini-med" plans that offer limited annual coverage — as low as $2,000 — that would fall short of meeting the new annual coverage floor of $750,000 in 2011.

...Most requests for waivers have been accepted, but dozens have been denied because they "did not demonstrate that compliance with the minimum annual limits requirements would significantly increase premiums or decrease access to benefits," an HHS spokeswoman told The Hill in January.

The waivers are meant as a stopgap measure until new state-run insurance exchanges open in 2014. Annual dollar limits will also be abolished by then.

About 2.6 million people are covered by the waivers, representing less than 2 percent of privately insured individuals, according to HHS.


These waivers must be applied for annually until the entire the program is up in running with the alternatives ( insurance exchanges) are in place. All this does is show there are a bunch of shit plans out there. So keep kvetching and hyperventilating over that 2%. Breaking: Fox News scandal.....a WAIVER.

Now dont come back here unless you show the GOP alternative for these people or be subject to further embarrasment on this board.

The only MORON is you.


These waivers must be applied for annually until the entire the program is up in running with the alternatives ( insurance exchanges) are in place. All this does is show there are a bunch of shit plans out there. So keep kvetching and hyperventilating over that 2%. Breaking: Fox News scandal.....a WAIVER.

Now dont come back here unless you show the GOP alternative for these people or be subject to further embarrasment on this board.

2% = over 2 million individuals.... Now lets compare MORON.

Out of 310 million Americans, only 12,000 people have the problem given as the principal reason for spending almost $1 trillion, creating more than 150 regulatory agencies and causing perhaps 150 million or more people to change the coverage they now have. Obama’s administration predicted by the end of 2010 that 375,000 would be enrolled.
While a lot of people are surprised by these numbers, I am not. Here is why. Don’t you think it is a bit odd for the White House to send out an appeal to victims so they can identify themselves? That’s not normally how the political system works.
The more usual scenario is: victims unite and form interest groups; they lobby Congress, write letters, testify, etc; and eventually the pressure become so great that Congress legislates.
When have you ever heard of that entire process in reverse? When has Congress ever before decided it wants to do something and then conducted a nationwide search to find people who will benefit?
There are MORE people who have applied and received waivers to AVOID this healthcare reform than people who have requested to actually receive its proposed benefits. It is NOT even close…. 2.1 million have been granted waivers to avoid this reform while ONLY 12,000 have enrolled to receive these reform benefits.
The results are fairly CLEAR.

I don't expect liberal MORONS to understand this, but you need to be told anyway.

2% = over 2 million individuals.... Now lets compare MORON.

Out of 310 million Americans, only 12,000 people have the problem given as the principal reason for spending almost $1 trillion, creating more than 150 regulatory agencies and causing perhaps 150 million or more people to change the coverage they now have. Obama’s administration predicted by the end of 2010 that 375,000 would be enrolled.
While a lot of people are surprised by these numbers, I am not. Here is why. Don’t you think it is a bit odd for the White House to send out an appeal to victims so they can identify themselves? That’s not normally how the political system works.
The more usual scenario is: victims unite and form interest groups; they lobby Congress, write letters, testify, etc; and eventually the pressure become so great that Congress legislates.
When have you ever heard of that entire process in reverse? When has Congress ever before decided it wants to do something and then conducted a nationwide search to find people who will benefit?
There are MORE people who have applied and received waivers to AVOID this healthcare reform than people who have requested to actually receive its proposed benefits. It is NOT even close…. 2.1 million have been granted waivers to avoid this reform while ONLY 12,000 have enrolled to receive these reform benefits.
The results are fairly CLEAR.

I don't expect liberal MORONS to understand this, but you need to be told anyway.

12,000 individuals have a problem getting insurance?

Did you say 12,000?

You ARE a moron.

12,000 individuals have a problem getting insurance?

Did you say 12,000?

You ARE a moron.

If ONLY 12000 have applied for the supposed benefits of this Healthcare Reform, and you think the number is something else, then PLEASE tell what that number is..... MORON.

Obama has NOW granted a waiver for the ENTIRE state of Maine.... the success stories for Healthcare Reform just keep rolling in. LOL


If ONLY 12000 have applied for the supposed benefits of this Healthcare Reform, and you think the number is something else, then PLEASE tell what that number is..... MORON.

Obama has NOW granted a waiver for the ENTIRE state of Maine.... the success stories for Healthcare Reform just keep rolling in. LOL


I suppose I could write a treatise on how the ACA is not in full force yet, so we wont be seeing the fulll benefits soon. I supposed I could elaborate upon the fact that waivers are being granted because the crappy healthcare insurance some companies have been offering need time to ramp up to the minimum standards specified in the ACA. I suppose I could explain that millions of people are uninsured and exchanges are not up and running, and the alternatives are poorly understood and blocked by several red states at this time.....

but why bother since your questions are rhetorical... You dont understand the ACA, you dont seem to comprehend the terrible situation our current employer based system is in, and you dont understand why healthcare costs are spiraling up... you just want to call someone a MORON and post half understood drivel.

I suppose I could write a treatise on how the ACA is not in full force yet, so we wont be seeing the fulll benefits soon. I supposed I could elaborate upon the fact that waivers are being granted because the crappy healthcare insurance some companies have been offering need time to ramp up to the minimum standards specified in the ACA. I suppose I could explain that millions of people are uninsured and exchanges are not up and running, and the alternatives are poorly understood and blocked by several red states at this time.....

but why bother since your questions are rhetorical... You dont understand the ACA, you dont seem to comprehend the terrible situation our current employer based system is in, and you dont understand why healthcare costs are spiraling up... you just want to call someone a MORON and post half understood drivel.

No.... I think if you COULD explain it, then you WOULD, but you can't because you are a DRONE. Now explain this one:
Obama grants Healthcare waiver to the ENTIRE state of Maine...
More states to come.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any more pathetic.

"We don't want to take away people's health insurance before they have some realistic other choices," HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in an interview with The Hill newspaper earlier this year.
Take away people's health insurance???? I thought our Dear Leader promised that if we liked our current plan and our doctor that WE COULD KEEP THEM!?!?!?


I suppose I could write a treatise on how the ACA is not in full force yet, so we wont be seeing the fulll benefits soon. I supposed I could elaborate upon the fact that waivers are being granted because the crappy healthcare insurance some companies have been offering need time to ramp up to the minimum standards specified in the ACA. I suppose I could explain that millions of people are uninsured and exchanges are not up and running, and the alternatives are poorly understood and blocked by several red states at this time.....

but why bother since your questions are rhetorical... You dont understand the ACA, you dont seem to comprehend the terrible situation our current employer based system is in, and you dont understand why healthcare costs are spiraling up... you just want to call someone a MORON and post half understood drivel.

"you dont understand why healthcare costs are spiraling up"
Why are costs spiralling up and what does healthcare reform do to stop costs from spiralling up? Do you REALLY think that a GOVERNMENT-RUN MONOPOLY will help control costs? Give me ONE example EVER where the elimination of competition and the resulting MONOPOLY lead to LOWER COSTS....

I know your answer will be something like this isn't a government-run monopoly, this is just an alternative to private insurance. First-off, why would/should government be in the business of healthcare... why would/should government ever compete with the private sector? Healthcare Reform will essentially be an extension of medicare.... medicare is unsustainable, however, that won't stop government from giving away unsustainable healthcare at unsustainable prices that will ultimately put private insurance out of business.... because you see my dear Marxist friend, private business has to respond to real market forces, it can't bait people with predatory-pricing that is unsustainable like the government can and will. Government Healthcare reform will either lead to more debt or they will have to increase cost or it will have to LIMIT services or it will have to promote END-OF-LIFE death panels. That's it.... those are the ONLY options. And lastly, lest we forget... the individual mandate is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

seems funny how this great system doesn't apply to the politicians that put it in place. for all you liberals trying to make villains of the gop they at least put that provision in the bill only to have it taken out by the dem leadership. So again ask yourself if this plan is so great whey doesn't the party that put the entire thing together think it is good enough for them.