ObamaCare and "Value-Added"?


President Obama’s signature health-care law, which turned three over the weekend, has already accounted for $31.3 billion in regulatory costs and liabilities, as well as 71.5 million hours of paperwork, according to a study from the American Action Forum (AAF) released Monday.

It would take more than 35,000 full-time employees working year round to fully comply with the monstrous Red Tape Tower the law has become.

Oh boy, lib-tards really know how to streamline and add "value" to our healh care system.

President Obama’s signature health-care law, which turned three over the weekend, has already accounted for $31.3 billion in regulatory costs and liabilities, as well as 71.5 million hours of paperwork, according to a study from the American Action Forum (AAF) released Monday.

It would take more than 35,000 full-time employees working year round to fully comply with the monstrous Red Tape Tower the law has become.

Oh boy, lib-tards really know how to streamline and add "value" to our healh care system.

Sadly, yet predictably, Obamacare is demonstrating that it has less to do with providing healthcare with fiscal responsibility and more to do with a reduction in liberty and expanded Federal powers over the individual. But, the majority of Americans make decisions based on feelings and trust their hearts over their heads. These people have become the majority and all they know is the eutopia of free healthcare for all is coming with little or no accountability.

This is the last chance for private insurance companies to be a part of the solution. If Obamacare doesn't work, we will go to a single-payer/Medicare system.

If you examine obamacare closer, I think you'll find the whole thing sets the stage perfectly for a single payer system. Look more closely at the fines and requirements. Single payer is coming by design.

Here are some more uniquely "Value-Added" government spending programs...

A year after documenting widespread government waste and duplication of effort, the General Accountability Office concluded Tuesday that little progress has been made in addressing this costly problem.
In a new study issued on Tuesday, the GAO found that:
Eleven federal agencies continue to operate 94 separate initiatives to spur energy-efficient construction in the private sector.
Nine agencies or departments lead programs to safeguard food and agricultural systems from natural disasters and terrorist attacks.
Thirteen agencies spend a total of $30 million annually funding 15 separate financial literacy programs.

In all, the GAO found 32 cases in which different parts of the federal government are essentially doing the same job. These redundancies and inefficiencies are costing U.S. taxpayers “tens of billions of dollars annually,” according to GAO, an investigative unit of Congress.

Read more at http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Artic...ant-Federal-Programs.aspx#39pOULj4SCbjxEGa.99

Health Care: As Democrats grow increasingly worried that ObamaCare will explode on the launch pad just as midterm elections get going, the Obama administration seeks to pin blame on Republicans. Good luck with that.
Earlier this week, Health and Human Services head Kathleen Sebelius admitted that she didn't realize how complicated getting ObamaCare off the ground would be.
Sebelius complained that "no one fully anticipated" the difficulties involved in implementing ObamaCare, or how confusing it would be with the public.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/ibd-edito...-gop-for-obamacare-failures.htm#ixzz2QD3310ZL
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