Obama Targets Drug Companies for Cuts in U.S. Debt Talks


I thought Kindler got pharma a deal for supporting Obamacare?

He probably did make a deal. But President Obama took what I thought was a cheap shot at the Pharmaceutical industry as one area he would "look at" during this budget and Medicare crisis. Kind of like his cheap shot towards companies that have corporate jets and other CEO fat cats. Just trying to improve his rating to help with 2012 election. Hopefully, the tactics will fail.

Final thought - time to stand up to gov't and tell them to QUIT spending our tax dollars like spoiled trust fund babies, quit blaming our budget woes on pharma, oil, banking, etc, and get some of the $$ social programs under control.

He probably did make a deal. But President Obama took what I thought was a cheap shot at the Pharmaceutical industry as one area he would "look at" during this budget and Medicare crisis. Kind of like his cheap shot towards companies that have corporate jets and other CEO fat cats. Just trying to improve his rating to help with 2012 election. Hopefully, the tactics will fail.

Final thought - time to stand up to gov't and tell them to QUIT spending our tax dollars like spoiled trust fund babies, quit blaming our budget woes on pharma, oil, banking, etc, and get some of the $$ social programs under control.

Great Response! One thing I would add is.....of all areas the federal gov't could reduce spending and Obama is going to call out the Pharma industry.......again. Didn't he just overhaul the entire health industry? I certainly know that pharma has its own problems, but I think the industry has been more than fair with the gov't. Enough is enough already.

Right out of his hero's book, Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky the 'c'ommie. Attack and threaten as a Power tactic.

Pharma will pony up, kiss his ass, apologize more, and pour in the 'donations' like beer at Oktoberfest.

I pray for this tyranny to end in 2012.

Great Response! One thing I would add is.....of all areas the federal gov't could reduce spending and Obama is going to call out the Pharma industry.......again. Didn't he just overhaul the entire health industry? I certainly know that pharma has its own problems, but I think the industry has been more than fair with the gov't. Enough is enough already.

Enough is enough??????? What about all those 10 million dollar helicopters we bought recently? Why should patients and payers like the government have to pay for that BS????? Sounds like you are one of those fat cats on the take who doesn't want reality to come bursting in.

Final thought - time to stand up to gov't and tell them to QUIT spending our tax dollars like spoiled trust fund babies, quit blaming our budget woes on pharma, oil, banking, etc, and get some of the $$ social programs under control.

Slow down there, partner. We need to keep that corporate welfare flowing broad and deep!!!!! Like Exxon Mobil, who made $19 billion in profit in 2009, paid no taxes and actually got a 156 million dollar rebate. Or Bank of America, who made $4.4 billion in profit last year but received a 1.9 billion dollar tax refund. Or GE, who have made $26 billion in dollars over the past 5 years and received a $4.1 billion dollar refund from the IRS. Or Carnival Cruise Lines, who made $11 billion in profits over the last 5 years but whose federal tax rate during those years was only 1%.

I agree that poor people should be made to suffer but the rich deserve even more so keep their social programs gushing out money!!!!!

Why should us taxpayers for your lousy ass to drag samples and food into the doctors office.
And pay for your high salary, car, benefits and evening programs. We are tired of these high drug prices just to keep you guys in your comfortable lifestyle.

The libtards with their 'facts'? LOL.

What do you numbnuts think profit does? Gets buried in a mattress?

No idiots. It creates more wealth and jobs and medicines.

So there's more for you to steal/redistribute to yourselves and army of democrat voters.

Only a libtard would bash the free gifthorse it gets that keeps on giving.

Slow down there, partner. We need to keep that corporate welfare flowing broad and deep!!!!! Like Exxon Mobil, who made $19 billion in profit in 2009, paid no taxes and actually got a 156 million dollar rebate. Or Bank of America, who made $4.4 billion in profit last year but received a 1.9 billion dollar tax refund. Or GE, who have made $26 billion in dollars over the past 5 years and received a $4.1 billion dollar refund from the IRS. Or Carnival Cruise Lines, who made $11 billion in profits over the last 5 years but whose federal tax rate during those years was only 1%.

I agree that poor people should be made to suffer but the rich deserve even more so keep their social programs gushing out money!!!!!

GE...a liberal wants to bring them into this??...They paid no tax due to their very cozy relationship with Obama...what happened to getting "special interest" money out of Washington? BO is nothing but a liar. Lied his ass of thru the campaign and hasn't stopped yet. Yup I said it ... liar in an empty suit. Special interest is ok if it's GE or the unions. Where the hell are all those green jobs...oh..wait....there in china.

They took away our way of life

For days made in Japan

They took the whole sales nation, and put us on this reservation...

but one day when they learned, the Sales nation shall return, shall return, shall return!!!!!!

big pharma rolls over once again..we must have the most inept pr approach for any industry ever...Asbestos companies and tobacco look better in the public eyes than we do..Just keep rolling over. Very stupid.. and suicidal. It is time to take a strong offensive approach, we have nothing to to be embarased about, just saving lives, and yes people are willing to pay for this. The government will be the end of us all.

Carnival Cruise Line??? Like every other cruise line their ships aren't registered in the US because the taxes are so high. Perfect example of how high taxes and regulation keep business away.

Why should us taxpayers for your lousy ass to drag samples and food into the doctors office.
And pay for your high salary, car, benefits and evening programs. We are tired of these high drug prices just to keep you guys in your comfortable lifestyle.

Taxpayers don't pay for our salaries, cars, benefits or others. And even if every drug rep in America were fired, the price of drugs would not go down.

Why should us taxpayers for your lousy ass to drag samples and food into the doctors office.
And pay for your high salary, car, benefits and evening programs. We are tired of these high drug prices just to keep you guys in your comfortable lifestyle.

What an ignorant douche. I hope your not serious.

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