- ThisIsYorCaptnSpkng   Aug 19, 2011 at 11:58: PM
Active Member
"President Obama's fundraising far outpaces any of the five presidents he succeeded, lending an air of credibility to the term "fundraiser in chief."
The score:
Ronald Reagan.............63
Jimmy Carter..............44
George HW Bush..........90
George W Bush............88
So you see clearly, the Obama Jobs program is really a JOB program...for himself. The rest of you unemployed schmucks will have to wait until the Fundraiser-In-Chief is done sipping martinis with those nasty private jet owners at Martha's Vineyard.
The score:
Ronald Reagan.............63
Jimmy Carter..............44
George HW Bush..........90
George W Bush............88
So you see clearly, the Obama Jobs program is really a JOB program...for himself. The rest of you unemployed schmucks will have to wait until the Fundraiser-In-Chief is done sipping martinis with those nasty private jet owners at Martha's Vineyard.