Obama Jobs Program Comes Into Focus


Active Member
"President Obama's fundraising far outpaces any of the five presidents he succeeded, lending an air of credibility to the term "fundraiser in chief."

The score:
Ronald Reagan.............63
Jimmy Carter..............44
George HW Bush..........90
George W Bush............88

So you see clearly, the Obama Jobs program is really a JOB program...for himself. The rest of you unemployed schmucks will have to wait until the Fundraiser-In-Chief is done sipping martinis with those nasty private jet owners at Martha's Vineyard.


"President Obama's fundraising far outpaces any of the five presidents he succeeded, lending an air of credibility to the term "fundraiser in chief."

The score:
Ronald Reagan.............63
Jimmy Carter..............44
George HW Bush..........90
George W Bush............88

So you see clearly, the Obama Jobs program is really a JOB program...for himself. The rest of you unemployed schmucks will have to wait until the Fundraiser-In-Chief is done sipping martinis with those nasty private jet owners at Martha's Vineyard.


I can't recall any instances where OBlahblah did anything out of altruism without putting politics first.

He recently made a "top secret" trip to Dover AFB to be there for the repatriation of the remains of the SEALs who died in Afghanistan. No photography was allowed (supposedy).

Interesting how we saw a picture of it a few hours later. Does anyone actually believe that a man with a camera could get close to the President without anybody having gotten it approved it in advance?

That is not merely hyprocrisy...It is cynicism of the highest order and demonstrates how OBlahblah is constantly attempting to manipulate the feelings of Americans.

In my opinion, when OBlahblah passes away, not for many years we pray (olev hasholem) they won't need a shovel to bury him. He is so crooked they can just screw him into the ground.

I have said this before: MY biggest fear is that underaged, undereducated children will vote for OBlahblah because he gives them an erection.