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Obama inciting violence in Philadelphia, horrible words spoken

Conservative Independent Here


“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

I guess this kind of talk is just talk though....right libtards? I think that he emboldened the Arizona killer to action. Afterall, the only political figure in the spotlight he killed was a Republican appointed Federal Judge.


Yea, I didn't think you libtards would have much to say about this.

My question is. If putting cross hairs or bullseyes on a map is inciting violence, what is actually being said when you say you are going to bring a gun to a "political" fight and what does it mean? Does that incite violence? Or is that just a turn of phrase?

Yea, I didn't think you libtards would have much to say about this.

My question is. If putting cross hairs or bullseyes on a map is inciting violence, what is actually being said when you say you are going to bring a gun to a "political" fight and what does it mean? Does that incite violence? Or is that just a turn of phrase?

And I think Our Dear Leader has a LOT of sway over certain kinds of people. Afterall, he is the first African American president.:rolleyes:

I have to say....this tragedy, and their reaction to it, has provided them (the lefty loons) with one of the worst beat downs from the right on this board I have ever witnessed. It's hysterical to watch Raby (who was warned out the gate) BN, AD, NPM (who was also warned) flail around trying to switch topics and make wild claims that they cannot back up. Your MM link/thread was great. I made it part of my signature, and it will not be going away anytime soon.

Brilliant satire!

Yea, I didn't think you libtards would have much to say about this.

My question is. If putting cross hairs or bullseyes on a map is inciting violence, what is actually being said when you say you are going to bring a gun to a "political" fight and what does it mean? Does that incite violence? Or is that just a turn of phrase?

I only have two questions . . . How many republican congressmen/women where shot over this? Was any documented violence incited in Philly?

EPIC FAIL on your part.

Go ahead and positively link the shooting to right wing hate speech or the right wing at all. No one else in the US has been able to do it...so please by all means...let's see it.

Answer the questions from my previous post, as regards to the OP, before you post any more deflectionary resposnses. .

I only have two questions . . . How many republican congressmen/women where shot over this? Was any documented violence incited in Philly?

sbelle;3804729[B said:
None and none that I can show. How does that prove that the right had anything to do with Giffords shooting?[/B]

Now you go ahead and link "positively" the shooting tragedy with the right wing or their so called "hate speech". That's the assertion you libs are making and some are even stating it...so prove it. I am already on record several times this morning stating that neither side had anything to do with this...so go ahead and prove your claim.

In case you aren't aware, this thread is about the false assertion made by CRH as regards to President Obama. Your response served to dispell the premise of the OP and in doing so you unwittingly blew up CHR's premise.

Good job, keep up the great work, hun and try to stay on topic.

Are you not aware that CRH has gone on record already... that no one can link this to either side??? Are you? Do you guys not see what the right posters are trying to make you see? No one on either side can make these claims!!! These threads are trying to make you people see this!!!! They are hyperbole! They are made to shove your ridiculous hypocracy back in your faces....and no one on the left understands it.

Now show me your proof positive, that you obviously have, that this tragedy is linked to the right. Otherwise I give up...because this is beyond ridiculous and you can go on record as having nothing.

Whatever gets you through the night, hun. Your slip is showing.

I only have two questions . . . How many republican congressmen/women where shot over this? Was any documented violence incited in Philly?

EPIC FAIL on your part.

You sure you want to go all in with that hand? OK, you got it.

As you know, the last time there was a killing of a member of Congress was in 1974, in Jonestown, Guyana. Your question was a setup.


You forgot something. New Black Panther Party at the Philadelpha voting place, a mere matter of weeks after Chairman Obama's Philadelphia knife-gun speech, and only a few blocks away from the polling place. Somehow I had a feeling you had forgotten it. Panthers carried weapons and restricted entrance of white voters to the polls. Just in case you didn't know it, blocking someone's way constitutes assault. Now, any more straw men? Or in your case, straw children? Take your "epic fail" and shove it up your ass sideways.


You don't get to forget anything any more, kid.

Whatever gets you through the night, hun. Your slip is showing.

I started this thread to show the hypocrisy of the left when accusations are flown around about how the use of inflammatory, violent imagery is only used by Republicans. Who is to say what set this insane individual off on a shooting rampage. It appears it was a perceived dodge of an equally crazy question with no possible right answer.

So what actually provides more inflammatory response? Cross-hairs on a map, bullseyes on a map or the statement, "If they bring knives to the fight, we'll bring guns!" ?