Obama Exposed

Pale Horse

A friend sent me this one.

From the Chicago Sun Times September 14, 2006:

When asked if he was a true socialist Obama replied "I am continually amused by the fact that just because someone wants government control of all business and redistribution of wealth to help the poor that they are a socialist. This is just a step in the right direction to achieve racial equality".

The line between socialist and liberal continues to blur...

With the knowledge and information sources available to us, how does someone like this get elected? I hate to think people really got so caught up in the hype they refused to see what he is.

And no link.


His approval numbers must be going up for them to be trotting that out again......Rev WRight and Death Panels are right around the corner.

I'm just playing the game the way the liberals do. I don't need no damn proof to say it and I don't need no damn link. So as y'all always say "I ain't got time to do the research for you. Google it yourself".

A friend sent me this one.

From the Chicago Sun Times September 14, 2006:

When asked if he was a true socialist Obama replied "I am continually amused by the fact that just because someone wants government control of all business and redistribution of wealth to help the poor that they are a socialist. This is just a step in the right direction to achieve racial equality".

Thank you.

I'm just playing the game the way the liberals do. I don't need no damn proof to say it and I don't need no damn link. So as y'all always say "I ain't got time to do the research for you. Google it yourself".

The only reference to this quote on the ENTIRE intertubules was the one YOU pulled out your ass, you dumb fuck!


And for those who co-signed on this are even BIGGER idiots.