OB is now our oncology GURU!

The notion of OB making decision about any sales related issue and particularly oncology should be insulting to everyone in Eisai including Japan. We have risked this company's name and reputation with OB for too long and it is time to change this stupidity.


update teh resume
contact old coworkers, friends, linkedin,facebook
get braggbook ready,
review interview queestions
dont wast the energy on negative, invest in yourself
be kind to your boyfriend/spouse
exercixe to burn off the stresss...even a mile walk will help

positive positive positive


update teh resume
contact old coworkers, friends, linkedin,facebook
get braggbook ready,
review interview queestions
dont wast the energy on negative, invest in yourself
be kind to your boyfriend/spouse
exercixe to burn off the stresss...even a mile walk will help

positive positive positive

If this is what OB is telling everyone, then he's giving great advice.

not OB, average rep here, be positive, take the steps to find a job, full time job is to find a job, shift your paradigm, heyday of eisai is over, time to move YOU forward, time to move YOUR family forward

positive positive positive

Oncology was doing just fine until OB got here. Oncology was going UP not DOWN until OB got here. The biggest problem in oncology is the presence of OB who knows Jack about this business. OB is posting here as "rep" now. This is pathetic. The garbage about being "positiive" or other craps are OB's lines from the meetings.

U not not listening...positive postitive positive...it is what it is now go work on your resume for YOUR own future, you are looking backwards for no reason

network, interview, prepare prepare prepare, look out for #1 and move forward