
I am sure I am not the only rep who is tired of your immature, vindictive rants. What is the point? You need to move on, and stay off of this board. This negativity is like poison in your system. It will eventually make you ill or kill you. He is just one man. You cannot not blame one man for the failure of anything in a company. He answers to a whole lot mor people than you do I would be willing to bet! Please stop! It is annoying!!!!

I couldn't agree more.

It's a tired routine and really has no merit.

If you claim it to be truth, then tell the story with specifics and facts, not generalized beliefs about what you think has happened or has been said.

For the record, I'm not OB. I'm not a DM. I'm a rep who has been around long enough to see through the BS on BOTH sides.

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