oab sales

Yes there are without a doubt certain markets that people either don't leave or markets where people flock to which make them grow. Anywhere that is favorable to retire; Florida, Texas, Carolinas, Arizona are always going to be growing marketplaces. There are also places where people never leave like Philadelphia & Brooklyn/Queens which is why almost all of the same territories win summit every year. It gets more and more awkward every year at the lame Rah Rah awards dinner at the NSF when 80% or more of the award recipients are from the same territories/geographies.

No secret. They have a growing market (like Florida) and most of the rest of us do not. Northbrook has yet to figure out how to forecast for that. I'm sure they'll get it right next time
I assume the OP was done with a slice of sarcasm. Everyone outside of Texas knows that the playing field isn't fair.