Can anyone tell me anything about this

Most likely its from the 6385 contract with Angelini Labopharm. They just cut the salesforce & managers by 50% July 15. Any rep or manager still on board has had their territory expanded and is most likely looking for a job. Apparently the old NY/NJ manager found one, that area was one of the top volume territories.

Not a good contract to be on.

corpus cavernosum?

Seriously dude? It's the space in the penis that fills with blood and allows you to have an erection. This dumbass keeps posting stupid shit about body parts and masterbation and he's probably laughing so hard he's coughing because you wrote "corpus cavernosum?". Don't be stupid with him, how can you be around a medical environment and not know basic anatomical descriptions?

Similar but more closely associated to Peyronies condition. It's when you can't control whether it hangs to the left, right or somewhere in the middle. It's more like a cock-eyed dangling dick. Perhaps a one-eyed monster that cannot be tamed to swing in the right direction.

Similar but more closely associated to Peyronies condition. It's when you can't control whether it hangs to the left, right or somewhere in the middle. It's more like a cock-eyed dangling dick. Perhaps a one-eyed monster that cannot be tamed to swing in the right direction.

I wish stupid was a seriously painful, debilatating disease that left ignorant hands unable to use a keyboard. You are without a doubt the biggest idiot with no life in the United States. Leave here and go play at immaturemoronsmakingpeniscomments.com.