NVS Criticized Over Vasella Pay


How and why does this continue to happen?


"The latest complaint focuses on his $14.8 million compensation last year, which Ethos says is inappropriate, given that Novartis profit fell 7 percent. Meanwhile, the drugmaker has recently announced plans to eliminate thousands of jobs. Hundreds of positions are being eliminated in Switzerland, where Novartis is based, and another 2,000 from the US."

This is becoming a common thing in most industries both in the US and worldwide. Why is there such a difference between the haves and have nots? Because of this situation. For instance, Verizon employees last year were on strike for issues with medical benefits and pensions. Now I am not a big union supporter and believe they have recently done more harm than good such as being in bed with the Fed & State governments. However, the union for Verizon had a legit reason to strike. Their profits were up in the billions and were very liquid. CEOs gave themselves 100s of millions of dollars in salary and perks while denying employees just to keep what they had. Corrupt. Dont get me wrong, our government officials in Washington such as the man in the white house are just as corrupt and have done extremely harmful things to further break-down the system. Furthermore, why are both parties in congrees exempt from insider trading while the average joe can be put in prision for the same crime. These guys have made million in Washington while we pay high taxes to support them. Our society is corrupt and I have no idea how we will ever get out these hard time. So scary and sad.

How and why does this continue to happen?


"The latest complaint focuses on his $14.8 million compensation last year, which Ethos says is inappropriate, given that Novartis profit fell 7 percent. Meanwhile, the drugmaker has recently announced plans to eliminate thousands of jobs. Hundreds of positions are being eliminated in Switzerland, where Novartis is based, and another 2,000 from the US."

Simple answer: It is all legal under the current corrupted system.