Numbers ?


Is anybody at this company hitting their target numbers for the quarter? I’m looking to take TM position but this company thread sounds awful.. was curious if the drug is actually decent, anyone making money? I know there’s been a lot of turnover, any changes being made for the positive? Thanks in advance

If you need a paycheck and don’t care about being stressed 24/7, credibility taking a hit, and being subjected to more lies and bs, pursue it. But if you are ok money wise, RUN RUN RUN!!!

Is anybody at this company hitting their target numbers for the quarter? I’m looking to take TM position but this company thread sounds awful.. was curious if the drug is actually decent, anyone making money? I know there’s been a lot of turnover, any changes being made for the positive? Thanks in advance

Not sure what division you’re looking at likely Ilumya. Here’s my understanding: in its first year, it’s well under 50% of target. Not even close. Now that’s national, so could there possibly be a handful of territories that made it to target? Statistically possible. here’s what else I’d look at - ask about the medical and specialty Derm divisions. Neither of them has made their goal the past 3 years. Add in Ilumya, where we’re spending more than $100M in promotion alone to get under 50%. In all of pharma, no launch drug has ever overcome such a deficit in its launch year to go on to be successful. The market share trajectory is absolutely cemented at current levels. Turnover, I’d say that’s running close to 50% in the field, with some Ilumya territories on their 3rd rep in a year. Absolutely nothing has improved.
Also keep in mind if all 3 Derm divisions ( same for opth too) consistently fail to hit goal, what does that say about the company and future employment? This is a completely cost-driven culture.
We’ve not yet touched on the toxicity, threats of physical harm or insider trading. Or that the Group VP and General Counsel and the Head of Compliance have recently and unexpectedly resigned.

hmmm ...

Is anybody at this company hitting their target numbers for the quarter? I’m looking to take TM position but this company thread sounds awful.. was curious if the drug is actually decent, anyone making money? I know there’s been a lot of turnover, any changes being made for the positive? Thanks in advance

med derm almost no one is even getting close to goals

Paid unemployment. Nothing more. Keep looking. Don’t tell anyone you work here. Don’t post anything on social media (LinkedIn etc). Take their rupees and keep looking.

Is anybody at this company hitting their target numbers for the quarter? I’m looking to take TM position but this company thread sounds awful.. was curious if the drug is actually decent, anyone making money? I know there’s been a lot of turnover, any changes being made for the positive? Thanks in advance
Do not go to sun! They make your goals unattainable, if you are at 85-90% attainment you only get 50% attainment, 90-95% attainment 80% payout, not until you actually get 100% attainment or more do you get full payout