Numbers Down? Take your Vacation!


I don't get it. My location manager is notorious in our area for consistently poor numbers across the board, yet takes ALL the vacation/eto time possibly allowed. For the good of a branch, I have sacrificed vacation numerous times with other company s in the past, but Rotech does'nt so much as lift an eyelid for a poor performer taking maximun vacation.
Must be the Culture of Rotech.

I don't get it. My location manager is notorious in our area for consistently poor numbers across the board, yet takes ALL the vacation/eto time possibly allowed. For the good of a branch, I have sacrificed vacation numerous times with other company s in the past, but Rotech does'nt so much as lift an eyelid for a poor performer taking maximun vacation.
Must be the Culture of Rotech.

LCM's earn their PTO as any other position does and deserves to take it too. It is YOUR choice NOT to take your PTO. Only you control completing the request form.

Maybe he/she can show you how it's done and then you won't have to worry about the LCM's taking their hard earned rest.

Maybe he/she is looking at it as ...phewww my CSR doesn't pick up enough stuff when we get a call...any call. My SR is only hitting the Dr's close to their home so they can save on that gas. Or maybe the LCM is thinking maybe the PST is not picking up on the fact that poor Patient took so much time to get to the door...maybe they need a walker or W/C and they didn't pick up on that....ALL of those factors will bring sales down. NOT an LCM going on their earned PTO time.

Or the low numbers could be none of the above...maybe your location doesn't have an RT/LPN to go out and do the things a Dr likes to see done by an RT/LPN instead of a CSR or PST.

We HAD a SR and clinician at one time, but no one will use my location because of certain reasons pertaining to me. It's not fair.

Yea, right...and you sell pizza on the side too I bet. People with your mind set of being the Little Engine that could...have to sell pizza on the side...your day job is a wash so what the heck your side business is just as bad. Why else would you have so much time to come here. lol

Problem with Rotech is...they should have kept the SR/RT's and got rid of the sideline pizza THERE would have been a good move all the way around