Number of uninsured Americans soars to 50 million


So we have 50 million uninsured and rising and the main rethug agenda is to repeal a law that would extend health insurance options to these people? This seems like a losing agenda to me, most who are actually against Obama's HC reform bill think it didn't go far enough, not that they're against HC reform. But the repub spin doctors fed their base that America's against HC reform, and that it needs to be repealed because its unconstitutional. They sank one of their best republican candidates in the process, because the bill includes that same mandate that Romney supported for his state. Here another question for the reactionaries, wouldn't 50 million more customers be to the benefit to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries? It's time to stop just hating Obama and start looking at these things logically.

So we have 50 million uninsured and rising and the main rethug agenda is to repeal a law that would extend health insurance options to these people? This seems like a losing agenda to me, most who are actually against Obama's HC reform bill think it didn't go far enough, not that they're against HC reform. But the repub spin doctors fed their base that America's against HC reform, and that it needs to be repealed because its unconstitutional. They sank one of their best republican candidates in the process, because the bill includes that same mandate that Romney supported for his state. Here another question for the reactionaries, wouldn't 50 million more customers be to the benefit to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries? It's time to stop just hating Obama and start looking at these things logically.

It is unconstitutional, so all discussion should stop there.

Romney was an idiot for passing this type of law in Massachussetts and if you would look, it is bankrupting the state already and causing all sorts of problems.

All you have to know is that Medicare is $23 trillion underfunded. If you don't know what that means, then look it up.

So we have 50 million uninsured and rising and the main rethug agenda is to repeal a law that would extend health insurance options to these people? This seems like a losing agenda to me, most who are actually against Obama's HC reform bill think it didn't go far enough, not that they're against HC reform. But the repub spin doctors fed their base that America's against HC reform, and that it needs to be repealed because its unconstitutional. They sank one of their best republican candidates in the process, because the bill includes that same mandate that Romney supported for his state. Here another question for the reactionaries, wouldn't 50 million more customers be to the benefit to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries? It's time to stop just hating Obama and start looking at these things logically.

This is exactly what Obama wanted when he allowed us to fall into the shitter. Now the drum call for socialism is beginning to beat louder and louder.

i definitely thought it didnt go far enough fast enough. it should have taken affect jan 1, 2011
50 million is an insane number

Yep, and the funny thing is that doctor visits are way down, this is adversely effecting our paychecks, yet you'll see fool on here squarely against a bill that would help 50 million Americans with their health while helping our$elve$.