Number of injectable reps per territory


Question: most diabetes territories BEFORE this most recent realignment were typically DS1/3 Bydureon primary (and) DS2/4 had farxiga as primary product.

With that said, & with the new alignment Jan 5, one would think that their would be 2 reps for inj, 2 for oral in each territory.

So WHY IS IT that some territories have only ONE injectable rep and three oral? Should the one rep selling injectable be worried? Maybe I'm looking too much into this.


Question: most diabetes territories BEFORE this most recent realignment were typically DS1/3 Bydureon primary (and) DS2/4 had farxiga as primary product.

With that said, & with the new alignment Jan 5, one would think that their would be 2 reps for inj, 2 for oral in each territory.

So WHY IS IT that some territories have only ONE injectable rep and three oral? Should the one rep selling injectable be worried? Maybe I'm looking too much into this.

In my geography this past year we went from 3 selling BYD, to 2 and now 1. Trulicity is about to launch in PC and Novo's weight loss drug Saxenda just got approved, which will create a lot more hype and noise with VIC. I already have seen a spike in VIC writers who had no history of using GLP-1's and are commenting or bringing up weight loss. Until AZ drastically changes it's culture there will always be a new strategy "aka" someone's pet project around the corner.

In my geography this past year we went from 3 selling BYD, to 2 and now 1. Trulicity is about to launch in PC and Novo's weight loss drug Saxenda just got approved, which will create a lot more hype and noise with VIC. I already have seen a spike in VIC writers who had no history of using GLP-1's and are commenting or bringing up weight loss. Until AZ drastically changes it's culture there will always be a new strategy "aka" someone's pet project around the corner.

These territories were created by third party companies. Do you think management has the knowledge of why one territory has one rep while the others have two or three. The bigger questions the territories with one rep compete against the territories that have two or more?

The third party was hired to handle logistics, with no in put from the field, which is why it's a cluster f!?k. The plan came from someone at AZ....."Gee, I have an idea Topher, let's align Diabetes with PC? It will be more efficent and save money, plus having reps focus orals or injectables will grow share!"

In my area, nothing positive came from this change. It isn't saving money on travel for the DM's if anything it created more travel. It isn't efficent, one DM has 100% travel. Territories that are growing are being reshuffled AGAIN. And it just goes on and on.

And to your point, will one INJ rep in a territory be compared to it's neighbor that has three? None of it makes any sense.

AZ was fortunate to have one of the best drug launches in 2014, rather than ride the wave of success, they went and tinkered with something that was obviously working. BRILLIANT!!!