Why are we spending money we don’t have on a pointless meeting?

Home office here. Looking for an excuse to get away from the family for a few days, drink myself sloppy and behave embarrassingly. If you don’t like that I hear the next fleet cars will be gently used with some hints of mild blood stains on the upholstery and small round holes in the doors windows. Gotta preserve cash.

I’m excited for nsm - all bs aside. I still can’t understand all of the anger and negativity - if you’re not happy why do you stay? What am I missing? Can’t find a job anywhere else?

It’s getting ridiculous - these poisonous miserable people - talking negatively about everything. There are a few I can point to in our region who always try and stir the shit pot and some buy into it and others don’t. But honestly, I think they’re clinically crazy and actually enjoy it. you don’t like the car program? I’ve looked at 4 other companies (onc, neuro, uro x2) and their programs and pay / IC are worse than ours. You don’t like the leadership, but you stay? Why? You don’t want an NSM? That’s a new one for me which I still don’t get. These gripes just show how petty and entitled many are - and prove the fact that they’ll never be happy wherever they are. They’re probably miserable karens in their personal lives too. But have fun being a stick in the mud while I walk across the stage celebrating another COE win, happy as a clam.