Fuck all management & marketing.
Olympus has a terrible culture as a company.
Treats its customers and its sales reps terribly.
I'm not sure why people even buy Olympus
Products. The negative energy that is Olympus
Is embarrassing!

Join me at the calypso pool side bar. I have been there for two days working on an expose on the industry. Wait till the article comes out and they see me in half the photos by the corp photographer. Former insider. Thank you all for your info so far.

Pointless to truck a 1000 reps and feed them poison for 5 days.
I get that some good points were raised, but this meeting
Needs to be cut to 2 days! No one is listening and are on autopilot
After 3 days. You really are wasting your money.
Start respecting your reps and they will respect you.
This campaign WILL not stop until more dead weight is chopped
From Olympus.

Next year the NSM will consist of bitching at the URO
Sales force about why we couldn't convert stents, guide wires, and stone baskets,
Even though we were locked out before we started! Fire Nils now, and get someone
From BSC who knows how to get this business.
Bunch of fucking greenhorns!

Stop complaining and do something about it. You dont like it, leave no one will miss you. Comp plan is terrible and everyone still stays. why would they change? Between pending legal fines and poor sales they dont have money to pay you. Why are you surprised? Put your big boy pants on and leave. They will never pay their reps 300k+ ever again. Look to get into neuro or spine, otherwise leave the industry because the money is not here anymore.

That doesn't change the fact, that the people managing our surgical
Distributorship are complete fucking morons.

I don't understand how they expect the output of work for such little pay

The second best thing in the world is not having to deal with a liar. The best thing is knowing that liar was fired in the most awesome fashion possible. See ya loser. I wish I could see you again. Actually, one day our paths will cross again.

The second best thing in the world is not having to deal with a liar. The best thing is knowing that liar was fired in the most awesome fashion possible. See ya loser. I wish I could see you again. Actually, one day our paths will cross again.

You better hope I don't run across you again. I'll leave you right where I find you....