
What do you think Ray and his staff will be giving away at this years NSM?

I'm sure all the men were psyched to get wrinkle cream and lip "plumper" last year. I think this year will be a trial size of Peroxi Clear and a pack of moist glasses wipes.

Your thoughts?

What does everybody think about that "pre-work" assignment? Anybody actually gonna do that crap? Every year same ole $hit, give us homework then when we get there you realize you wasted your time. But wait, we are gonna have a quiz now, come on! This is total B.S!

I know what I would like for Ray to give us at the NSM! How about giving the blue team some MF Besi samples. You wanna raise Besi goals at least have the common GDMF courtesy to give the reps some coupons and oh I don't know maybe SAMPLES! We all know we are being set up for failure.

I have PTSD from this god forsaken industry but every time I think that I'm missing something I come to CP for therapy. I am so damned glad I made the decision to get out of this company and Pharma overall. This industry has turned into a hell hole. Companies now do not trust any of their employees so they go through all of this bullshit to prove a point that they can lord over all of the reps. Taking stupid tests, role playing ad nausea, and the utterly and painful ride-alongs! There is a life outside of pharma! Good luck my brothers & sisters.

Who cares really?

If you knew what the surgical and vision care teams got you'd be pissed.

But, like the Valeant MO, you are left in the dark. Pharma brings in the majority of the revenues yet the reps are treated the worst.

Surgical and Vision Care reps get upgraded cars too. Bet you didn't know that?

So excited to tell you Management has listened and I"m going to spill the beans. You will all be off Xmas week Too many reps leaving have mentioned benefits. Signed, I can't tell you who but I'm so happy for you all

If you knew what the surgical and vision care teams got you'd be pissed.

But, like the Valeant MO, you are left in the dark. Pharma brings in the majority of the revenues yet the reps are treated the worst.

Surgical and Vision Care reps get upgraded cars too. Bet you didn't know that?

One rule for one & another rule for another..... Typical of this rat infested dust bowl!

So excited to tell you Management has listened and I"m going to spill the beans. You will all be off Xmas week Too many reps leaving have mentioned benefits. Signed, I can't tell you who but I'm so happy for you all

If this is true and they announce it at the NSM, then we all need to stay in our seats and not make a sound. Let's act like this is the way it always should have been.

I know what I would like for Ray to give us at the NSM! How about giving the blue team some MF Besi samples. You wanna raise Besi goals at least have the common GDMF courtesy to give the reps some coupons and oh I don't know maybe SAMPLES! We all know we are being set up for failure.

100% spot on. Dead right. Amen.

I know what I would like for Ray to give us at the NSM! How about giving the blue team some MF Besi samples. You wanna raise Besi goals at least have the common GDMF courtesy to give the reps some coupons and oh I don't know maybe SAMPLES! We all know we are being set up for failure.

Did you check out the amounts on our next sample shipment? I was so excited I almost peed my pants. Then I found out it has to last at least two months. And when will we get it? Will they ship it before the NSM?

Has anybody heard about blue team taking a test on Zylet? WTF?

Dont you have anything better to do? If you are a blue rep you shouldnt worry about a test if you read the material. There's nothing there you should not know. If you are a white rep, why do you care? Some of you immature brats have nothing better to do than stir shit up and create drama. You get paid to do a job. If that includes a quiz, then shut up and take it.

If you knew what the surgical and vision care teams got you'd be pissed.

But, like the Valeant MO, you are left in the dark. Pharma brings in the majority of the revenues yet the reps are treated the worst.

Surgical and Vision Care reps get upgraded cars too. Bet you didn't know that?

Really? You are worried about what another division gets? If you want a different car, go interview there. Keep in mind, they travel much further distances. They also have more erratic driving schedules with surgical trials, etc. your post sounds like it came from a silly pre-teen girl. Grow up.

Dont you have anything better to do? If you are a blue rep you shouldnt worry about a test if you read the material. There's nothing there you should not know. If you are a white rep, why do you care? Some of you immature brats have nothing better to do than stir shit up and create drama. You get paid to do a job. If that includes a quiz, then shut up and take it.

Wow, somebody is pissy! You know this is a place where folks can go and vent about crap this company does. If something irritates you because you don't agree maybe you should take a step back and remember where you are. No one goes to cafe pharma to praise how great things are. Just a thought.

Wow, somebody is pissy! You know this is a place where folks can go and vent about crap this company does. If something irritates you because you don't agree maybe you should take a step back and remember where you are. No one goes to cafe pharma to praise how great things are. Just a thought.

Looked to me like that's what the poster was doing. Venting about the ridiculous! Their right to be irritated by it. I am too at times. Some people do complain over the silliest little things.

Dont you have anything better to do? If you are a blue rep you shouldnt worry about a test if you read the material. There's nothing there you should not know. If you are a white rep, why do you care? Some of you immature brats have nothing better to do than stir shit up and create drama. You get paid to do a job. If that includes a quiz, then shut up and take it.

Sounds like a Pissy manager to me ! Valeant are known for their upper management trolls
On CF..... pathetic really