
Diversity and Inclusion forgot to mention- "Hire a person that is qualified, not someone who is White, Black, Gay, Straight etc"…. I think this all leads to a quota systems which scares me and, I am a black male.


Yes- Genentech has changed for the worse. Hiring wrong people for roles. Other people that are better qualified and right for roles are getting passed up; too much of a crony system in place. Oncology reps crack me up thinking they are superior; what a joke! HR needs to wake up.....

Yes- Genentech has changed for the worse. Hiring wrong people for roles. Other people that are better qualified and right for roles are getting passed up; too much of a crony system in place. Oncology reps crack me up thinking they are superior; what a joke! HR needs to wake up.....

Not to mention how they treated all of the experienced Roche reps and management.

color, gender, etc. etc. don't make a difference. Everyone is expected to act and think the same white way. What's the point, just bragging rights? The moment they start taking everyone's opinions and differences into account is the day this matters.

color, gender, etc. etc. don't make a difference. Everyone is expected to act and think the same white way. What's the point, just bragging rights? The moment they start taking everyone's opinions and differences into account is the day this matters.

After I heard about the division meeting in the Midwest when the white rep described the Asian Physician at a teaching facility as "He speaks broken English, He is hard to understand, he is so stupid", nothing sums up diversity like this type of behavior. The sad part, the 50 something whitey manager laughed liked a 3 year old. 9 white people in the room, 8 reps and a manger.

You are a total fool if you believe some puppet, err, 50 something white manager on the stage really gives a crap about diversity. Such a joke. Someone needs to explain to the Genentech leadership that they are not fooling anyone.

Enjoy the show next week. Should be pretty pathetic.

After I heard about the division meeting in the Midwest when the white rep described the Asian Physician at a teaching facility as "He speaks broken English, He is hard to understand, he is so stupid", nothing sums up diversity like this type of behavior. The sad part, the 50 something whitey manager laughed liked a 3 year old. 9 white people in the room, 8 reps and a manger.

You are a total fool if you believe some puppet, err, 50 something white manager on the stage really gives a crap about diversity. Such a joke. Someone needs to explain to the Genentech leadership that they are not fooling anyone.

Enjoy the show next week. Should be pretty pathetic.

This is awful. Genentech keeps people employed involved with this type of activity? Shameful.

I hear that we are paying reps 300K to underwrite gift cards and yoga talks, managers showing up to work less than 8 hours a year with reps and the managers get 300-500K for this. Then reps putting in fake calls. I hope that Ian Clark addresses this next week. This is terrible to be shelling out millions of dollars on the back of cancer patients for this type of activity. Would Ian Clark go on national TV, like 60 minutes or discuss this activity in the New York Times or USA today?

Mr. Clark, please tell us next week if this is your level of integrity that you discussed last year and why you are keeping people employed involved with this type of behavior.

After I heard about the division meeting in the Midwest when the white rep described the Asian Physician at a teaching facility as "He speaks broken English, He is hard to understand, he is so stupid", nothing sums up diversity like this type of behavior. The sad part, the 50 something whitey manager laughed liked a 3 year old. 9 white people in the room, 8 reps and a manger.

You are a total fool if you believe some puppet, err, 50 something white manager on the stage really gives a crap about diversity. Such a joke. Someone needs to explain to the Genentech leadership that they are not fooling anyone.

Enjoy the show next week. Should be pretty pathetic.

As a former Genentech rep, I can say that this happens outside the company too. Every company has its faults, no one organization is flawless. As for cronyism, having seen it first hand when I was leaving here, it still happens on the outside, blatant and all. Enjoy NSM, still a great gathering, even with the over the top nature of it

This is awful. Genentech keeps people employed involved with this type of activity? Shameful.

I hear that we are paying reps 300K to underwrite gift cards and yoga talks, managers showing up to work less than 8 hours a year with reps and the managers get 300-500K for this. Then reps putting in fake calls. I hope that Ian Clark addresses this next week. This is terrible to be shelling out millions of dollars on the back of cancer patients for this type of activity. Would Ian Clark go on national TV, like 60 minutes or discuss this activity in the New York Times or USA today?

Mr. Clark, please tell us next week if this is your level of integrity that you discussed last year and why you are keeping people employed involved with this type of behavior.

We can do whatever we want, we are Genentech. We have it all covered, with gurus like Mikey in compliance and our law firm in DC. We can cover up anything, we have no responsibility. We have lots of money, so it is easy to sweep everything under the rug. Money is no object, since we should be seeing a price increase in February or March, to build on the extra income from the distribution model. Need to discuss discounts and the spread, no problem. You need call average, no problem, we will give you as many fake calls as you want.

4 days of partying coming up at the Venetian in Vegas. Heading out today to get started. It is so awesome to work for a company that can charge what they want and have no restrictions. Compliance is no restriction, since we pay millions to people to make things go away. Love it. Party time in Vegas!

This is awful. Genentech keeps people employed involved with this type of activity? Shameful.

I hear that we are paying reps 300K to underwrite gift cards and yoga talks, managers showing up to work less than 8 hours a year with reps and the managers get 300-500K for this. Then reps putting in fake calls. I hope that Ian Clark addresses this next week. This is terrible to be shelling out millions of dollars on the back of cancer patients for this type of activity. Would Ian Clark go on national TV, like 60 minutes or discuss this activity in the New York Times or USA today?

Mr. Clark, please tell us next week if this is your level of integrity that you discussed last year and why you are keeping people employed involved with this type of behavior.

Reps don't make 300k, maybe 250k on a great year but an average in 189k. Thats including everything, car,commission,bonus,salary, etc

Reps don't make 300k, maybe 250k on a great year but an average in 189k. Thats including everything, car,commission,bonus,salary, etc

Salary, bonuses which iincludes product and corporate, 401k match and I cash is some options before the drop at 294 per share, I collected 303k in 2014, not counting the other benefits such as medical, dental, etc.

Genentech legacy, extensive medical background as a religious studies major.

189k might be more more reflective of Roche pay.

After I heard about the division meeting in the Midwest when the white rep described the Asian Physician at a teaching facility as "He speaks broken English, He is hard to understand, he is so stupid", nothing sums up diversity like this type of behavior. The sad part, the 50 something whitey manager laughed liked a 3 year old. 9 white people in the room, 8 reps and a manger.

You are a total fool if you believe some puppet, err, 50 something white manager on the stage really gives a crap about diversity. Such a joke. Someone needs to explain to the Genentech leadership that they are not fooling anyone.

Enjoy the show next week. Should be pretty pathetic.

When I heard about this ignorant event that happened at a division meeting in St. Louis in February of 2014, I was not surprise that a few w months later Fergusin happened and Ferguson was a product of the St. Louis area. If an entitled Caucasian employee and an entitled Caucasian manager mock and have no respect for an Asian physician, why would they have respect for any minorities? The sad part is many at Genentech were aware of the situation and were comfortable looking the other way.

Very sad the show west coast biotech puts on, kind of like Silicon Valley and their hiring practices concerning Hispanics and African Americans.

Should be quite a show this week. The week can't get over fast enough. Lots of people with no substance.

This is awful. Genentech keeps people employed involved with this type of activity? Shameful.

I hear that we are paying reps 300K to underwrite gift cards and yoga talks, managers showing up to work less than 8 hours a year with reps and the managers get 300-500K for this. Then reps putting in fake calls. I hope that Ian Clark addresses this next week. This is terrible to be shelling out millions of dollars on the back of cancer patients for this type of activity. Would Ian Clark go on national TV, like 60 minutes or discuss this activity in the New York Times or USA today?

Mr. Clark, please tell us next week if this is your level of integrity that you discussed last year and why you are keeping people employed involved with this type of behavior.

you are a moron

When I heard about this ignorant event that happened at a division meeting in St. Louis in February of 2014, I was not surprise that a few w months later Fergusin happened and Ferguson was a product of the St. Louis area. If an entitled Caucasian employee and an entitled Caucasian manager mock and have no respect for an Asian physician, why would they have respect for any minorities? The sad part is many at Genentech were aware of the situation and were comfortable looking the other way.

Very sad the show west coast biotech puts on, kind of like Silicon Valley and their hiring practices concerning Hispanics and African Americans.

Should be quite a show this week. The week can't get over fast enough. Lots of people with no substance.

Lots of people with no substance----especially you

hi ex-GNE colleagues. Hope you enjoy yet another NSM. So happy to be done with those. Parts were great, like getting together with people you like. But the thing got so big and long and formulaic we lost the intimacy of many years ago. Also has become the place for so called "leaders" to take to the stage and just talk about themselves and their stories. Yawn. Don't let anyone say you are not big pharma.

hi ex-GNE colleagues. Hope you enjoy yet another NSM. So happy to be done with those. Parts were great, like getting together with people you like. But the thing got so big and long and formulaic we lost the intimacy of many years ago. Also has become the place for so called "leaders" to take to the stage and just talk about themselves and their stories. Yawn. Don't let anyone say you are not big pharma.

I'll second that, amen.

This is awful. Genentech keeps people employed involved with this type of activity? Shameful.

I hear that we are paying reps 300K to underwrite gift cards and yoga talks, managers showing up to work less than 8 hours a year with reps and the managers get 300-500K for this. Then reps putting in fake calls. I hope that Ian Clark addresses this next week. This is terrible to be shelling out millions of dollars on the back of cancer patients for this type of activity. Would Ian Clark go on national TV, like 60 minutes or discuss this activity in the New York Times or USA today?

Mr. Clark, please tell us next week if this is your level of integrity that you discussed last year and why you are keeping people employed involved with this type of behavior.

Idiot, no DM works 8 hours per year, and no DM make 300-500k, in fact no RSD makes 300-500k/year per year (not a single one); THATS A FACT!. Boy, you people really are idiots! Stop believing the super exaggerated "fish stories" from bone heads on cafe pharma.

And sure Ian will talks about your myths, as soon as you go on 60 minutes and justify paying 3,500$ for a treatment and charging the patient 13,500$, or charging the patient the equivalent of a whole bottle of aspirin for the price of a single aspirin; how about explaining why your hospital charges the patient for an MRI 5 times what it actually costs. Maybe you can also go on CNN and talk about why all of your hospital executives earn MILLIONS of dollars EACH, all while working for a "NON-PROFIT" organization.. Oh, I forgot, please inform MSNBC why your hospital charges 1500$ or more per bed/pay. Of course, you can also explain some of the corrupt administrators, some of the docs and pharmacists screwing the nurses, the long lunch breaks, the exorbitant number of vacation weeks. Yes, all of these things on the backs of the patient.

You see, whatever absurd complaint you have about drug makers, is greatly compounded by the hospital; of course you will explain this to CNN. After all, your hospital COULD simply charge the patient just as my electrician charges me, that is "Time and material". The professional staff gets an hourly rate, with no markup on the materials (drugs, etc). So, for the Rituxan transfusion, hospital pays 3500$, the patient pays 3500.

You see, hospital employees have no room to cast aspersions on costs. You see fool, prescription cost account for only 10% of the overall healthcare economy. What accounts for the biggest chunks,? im glad you asked, the answer is hospitals and insurance companies, by far! So, I say again, If your hospital is non-profit, and they are making a profit, shouldnt they reduce costs? Should they really employ executives who make millions of $$$/year? Should they be billing the patients quadruple the cost of already expensive treatments?


Idiot, no DM works 8 hours per year, and no DM make 300-500k, in fact no RSD makes 300-500k/year per year (not a single one); THATS A FACT!. Boy, you people really are idiots! Stop believing the super exaggerated "fish stories" from bone heads on cafe pharma.

And sure Ian will talks about your myths, as soon as you go on 60 minutes and justify paying 3,500$ for a treatment and charging the patient 13,500$, or charging the patient the equivalent of a whole bottle of aspirin for the price of a single aspirin; how about explaining why your hospital charges the patient for an MRI 5 times what it actually costs. Maybe you can also go on CNN and talk about why all of your hospital executives earn MILLIONS of dollars EACH, all while working for a "NON-PROFIT" organization.. Oh, I forgot, please inform MSNBC why your hospital charges 1500$ or more per bed/pay. Of course, you can also explain some of the corrupt administrators, some of the docs and pharmacists screwing the nurses, the long lunch breaks, the exorbitant number of vacation weeks. Yes, all of these things on the backs of the patient.

You see, whatever absurd complaint you have about drug makers, is greatly compounded by the hospital; of course you will explain this to CNN. After all, your hospital COULD simply charge the patient just as my electrician charges me, that is "Time and material". The professional staff gets an hourly rate, with no markup on the materials (drugs, etc). So, for the Rituxan transfusion, hospital pays 3500$, the patient pays 3500.

You see, hospital employees have no room to cast aspersions on costs. You see fool, prescription cost account for only 10% of the overall healthcare economy. What accounts for the biggest chunks,? im glad you asked, the answer is hospitals and insurance companies, by far! So, I say again, If your hospital is non-profit, and they are making a profit, shouldnt they reduce costs? Should they really employ executives who make millions of $$$/year? Should they be billing the patients quadruple the cost of already expensive treatments?


I love this because it is the truth! These pharmacists kill me; all they care about are the profits that they lost. As a nurse in the hospital, I can verify these absorbent costs that you speak of and that is nothing but the truth!

I love this because it is the truth! These pharmacists kill me; all they care about are the profits that they lost. As a nurse in the hospital, I can verify these absorbent costs that you speak of and that is nothing but the truth!

I'll second and third that, drug costs are still under 15% of the total healthcare dollar and payments to MDs have declined so let's see, where else could the costs be over inflated?? Hmmmm, could it be the institutions which are buying all of the practices?? How about the cost for malpractice insurance since there are no limits on lawsuits that can be filed for malpractice, leading to GI docs having to spend $50,000 annually on insurance. Imagine what other specialties have to pay?!

Greetings from NSM for those outsiders curious as to how the annual event of the year is going. Had a nice opening cerimonies followed by a wonderful evening gathering with ample liquor, free gifts, networking with friends/colleagues and flirting with the oncology and lytic's bimbo's followed by a few $$ being dropped at the poker table. Today will be a full day with high level stuff which none of us will remember by Friday. Will keep you posted on anything out of the normal.
Good day

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