NPC's Commitment to EEO, Non-Discrimination!


Really! WTF.....blah,blah, blah. Another requirement by the Feds! Don't think we will be fooled for one minute Novartis. Oh and no harassment, hmmm let's see 1's on reviews for competancies? Really.... I had to laugh at this e-mail

Novartis has no committment to EEO or Non-discrimination , just words tossed about. Look at the layoff in Dec. many high tenured, high salaried, pension owed good performers let go. This company allows harrassment, vendettas, retaliation, discrimination all the time without consequences. Hell their whole HR department is a joke, only thing they protect is themselves and their cronies. Never trust them, and whatever you do don't think the so called outsider Alert Line will protect you just a scam. Run Forrest Run hope for the package there is life outside this crap hole of a company. They can stick their lies where the sun don't shine, no morales no ethics but to the mighty dollar.