Now they want us to coach DAW


Couldn’t blink have been completely bypassed if we would have just coached DISPENSE AS WRITTEN instead of begging doctors to send to blink the past few months to assure livalo brand name meds?

You guys will cry over anything. There have always been laws in place to switch automatically to generics when available. It’s your bad if you didn’t know that.

that’s not the point dumdum. Yes even a child understands that concept. The question of the matter is did we need blink if we could have merely encouraged doctors to write DAS on prescriptions from the get go regardless of what pharmacy it is sent to.

that’s not the point dumdum. Yes even a child understands that concept. The question of the matter is did we need blink if we could have merely encouraged doctors to write DAS on prescriptions from the get go regardless of what pharmacy it is sent to.
I knew it was necessary. Guess you didn’t get the memo. Who’s the dummy now?

Couldn’t blink have been completely bypassed if we would have just coached DISPENSE AS WRITTEN instead of begging doctors to send to blink the past few months to assure livalo brand name meds?
We don't need to use DAW for blink. Maybe confirm with your PAM before getting your panties in a twist

Having used Blink in the past, I can tell you that it isn’t going to be the saving grace you think it is.

nothing wrong with them, but it will only slow the bleeding not stop it.

Having used Blink in the past, I can tell you that it isn’t going to be the saving grace you think it is.

nothing wrong with them, but it will only slow the bleeding not stop it.

I’ll say it again Livalo is not losing ANY formularies status in 2024. Yes generics will hit the market but it takes time. They don’t instantly flood the market. You can still choose the branded version when the pharmacist ASKS you because insurance is still covering it. That means Kowa gets paid. And you have a job. These new reps…aren’t the brightest. Also hint hint the co-pay card still works. Ask doctors to USE BLINK FIRST if they don’t want to tell them to send it in as “Dispense written”. The co-pay card still works and why would Kowa end the co-pay card if insurances and formularies are still covering it.

I knew it was necessary. Guess you didn’t get the memo. Who’s the dummy now?

You are STILL not understanding my point which truly makes me question your intelligence you’re probably ranked 295 because you’re so dense. IF WE CAN CONTINUE TO DISPENSE BRAND NAME LIVALO THROUGH ANY PHARMACY BY MERELY ENCOURAGING DOCTORS TO WRITE DAW THEN WHY DO WE EVEN NEED BLINK? No need to answer the question because it is not directed towards you because you’re not someone I would ever go to for direction with your bottom of the totem pole insight, C student intellect.

You are STILL not understanding my point which truly makes me question your intelligence you’re probably ranked 295 because you’re so dense. IF WE CAN CONTINUE TO DISPENSE BRAND NAME LIVALO THROUGH ANY PHARMACY BY MERELY ENCOURAGING DOCTORS TO WRITE DAW THEN WHY DO WE EVEN NEED BLINK? No need to answer the question because it is not directed towards you because you’re not someone I would ever go to for direction with your bottom of the totem pole insight, C student intellect.
Use more punctuation, dumbass l

Hahahahaha. Thanks buddy. You know the saying, “”People who are dead don’t know it and neither do those who are stupid.”

Hey buddy, how does the $12 you receive in commission every quarter feel since you’re ranked so low in the company? Let the rest of us who are ranked in the top 30% know. Thanks!

Hey buddy, how does the $12 you receive in commission every quarter feel since you’re ranked so low in the company? Let the rest of us who are ranked in the top 30% know. Thanks!
First of all dumbass, there are only 230 reps not 295. Secondly, I’m doing just fine but thank you for your concern.

Maybe if you were more concerned with your sales numbers and less concerned with the number of reps at the company you’d get more than $12 a quarter and be ranked higher.. :-D
Let see how I can break this down for you. You claim to be in the top 30% ,LOL , but you think there are 295 reps. Fruit of the poison tree ,meaning, your presumptions are all flawed. Furthermore, the reason we need Blink to fill our prescriptions is because a lot of chain pharmacists will cheat. “DAW? So what? Why don’t you buy the generic? You will save $1.00” Do you understand now or do you need me to break it down further?

Let see how I can break this down for you. You claim to be in the top 30% ,LOL , but you think there are 295 reps. Fruit of the poison tree ,meaning, your presumptions are all flawed. Furthermore, the reason we need Blink to fill our prescriptions is because a lot of chain pharmacists will cheat. “DAW? So what? Why don’t you buy the generic? You will save $1.00” Do you understand now or do you need me to break it down further?

ok so I only had to repeat my question three times for you to interpret it accurately, reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit and apparently neither is sales..BRAVO #230 you did it!

ok so I only had to repeat my question three times for you to interpret it accurately, reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit and apparently neither is sales..BRAVO #230 you did it!
Contrary to the popular saying, “There are no stupid questions”, your question was quite stupid, and therefore did not deserve an answer. I only finally gave you one out of pity. I’m glad you finally understand “Being a rep 101” now. Go back to your self proclaimed blockbuster of a territory and sell some DAW rxs. LMAO

Contrary to the popular saying, “There are no stupid questions”, your question was quite stupid, and therefore did not deserve an answer. I only finally gave you one out of pity. I’m glad you finally understand “Being a rep 101” now. Go back to your self proclaimed blockbuster of a territory and sell some DAW rxs. LMAO

EXCEPT YOUR TRIED (and failed) several times #230. I hope you’re attractive because you have nothing else going for you. Your wife probably makes more money than you which is so embarrassing.

EXCEPT YOUR TRIED (and failed) several times #230. I hope you’re attractive because you have nothing else going for you. Your wife probably makes more money than you which is so embarrassing.