Now that you can't buy companies and wreck them, what you gonna do?


Can't wait to see that happens to Pfizer now. All of the companies that have been bought up over the years because you incompetent idiots can't do anything on your own. The thousands of lives and careers ruined at Parke Davis, Wyeth and Pharmacia once their companies were bought up and then people were all laid off.

Now there is no celebrex, nothing in the pipeline and no AZ takeover. We are about to witness the biggest Karmic Bitch slap in the history of corporate America

Couldnt happen to a more arrogant, condescending and stuck up bunch of assholes


Cut off R&D to make short terms earnings from all the M&As and had no long term strategy. That's American business quarterly focus taught at Harvard for you, plain dumb.

Can't wait to see that happens to Pfizer now. All of the companies that have been bought up over the years because you incompetent idiots can't do anything on your own. The thousands of lives and careers ruined at Parke Davis, Wyeth and Pharmacia once their companies were bought up and then people were all laid off.

Now there is no celebrex, nothing in the pipeline and no AZ takeover. We are about to witness the biggest Karmic Bitch slap in the history of corporate America

Just because your psychiatrist cancelled this week's appointment, you think that means that you can skip your Lithium/Geodon/Zoloft cocktail? As we see from your post, that can be dangerous.

Here's my suggestion: double the dose of the Geodon, drink some grapefruit juice or some other cytochrome P450 messer-upper, book two consecutive appointments with your doc next week.

We ATE those companies, you fool. They had what we wanted, and vice versa. The suggestion that we should keep superfluous head count "just because its the nice thing to do" is very_____(fill in the blank with a negative term).
You are weak, so someone else will eat you, and you'll be just like the many tens of thousands of ex Novartis, and Merck, and Sanofi, and Schering people that didn't see the end coming: working at a CSO or at a pharma company that you never heard of 8 months ago.

It pains me to see how namby pamby sissy mary this industry has become. Now I know why so many companies in high-paying industries want nothing to do with ex-pharma folks. The false sense of entitlement, and the lack of strategic or business acumen is galling.

You're dismissed. Go back to thinking that AZ or wherever the hell you work will keep you around another decade so that you get full pension.

As a parasite, Pfizer has indeed eaten many other companies. Yet it has lacked the business acumen to successfully generate a reasonable ROI on its research investment.

As a parasite, Pfizer has indeed eaten many other companies. Yet it has lacked the business acumen to successfully generate a reasonable ROI on its research investment.

Of this whole industry, there are, what, 5 companies that have kicked ass with R&D in the past 10 years? Come on, now….Merck, AZ, Sanofi, Pfizer, BMS, GSK, JnJ….show me their huge results outside of diabetes. BTW, the diabetes space reminds me of the mid 90s when everyone and their brother were coming out with ACEs and ARBs or SSRI-type drugs.

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