Now that the bonus has been paid !! How many will actually be employed on January 4.2021


I bet not many !!!’ Sinking ship !! Life vest will be given since no Amazon gift cards or anything for Christmas this year! Novo is going dark on any holiday acknowledgment Except for a nice email from the ET team. Folks you heard it hear first i repeat no Christmas bonus or Christmas card or Amazon gift card as in years past. # a sack of coal for a sack of a sinking ship !!!! Abort Abort

I bet not many but I am/will and as you are aware your not!!!!!’ Sinking ship !! Life vest will be given since no Amazon gift cards or anything for Christmas this year! Novo is going dark on any holiday acknowledgment Except for a nice email from the ET team. Folks you heard it hear first i repeat no Christmas bonus or Christmas card or Amazon gift card as in years past. # a sack of coal for a sack of a sinking ship !!!! Abort Abort