Now that Lance Armstrong sat down with Oprah - Will little Ricky be next?


I want to see Little Ricky go on Oprah and jump up and down on her couch (think Tom Cruise) and come clean with his past "transgressions".

Wouldn't that be a real hoot?

I want to see Little Ricky go on Oprah and jump up and down on her couch (think Tom Cruise) and come clean with his past "transgressions".

Wouldn't that be a real hoot?

How bout John Leonard? I can't wait to see an analysis of his body language when it is done, too. C'mon Oprah, clean up this co.

I want to see Little Ricky go on Oprah and jump up and down on her couch (think Tom Cruise) and come clean with his past "transgressions".

Wouldn't that be a real hoot?

Not really... all he would say is that he couldn't "win" without doing it. And that at the time, "it didn't seem wrong".

Wanna buy a yellow wrist band? I have 120,000 of them in my garage where I used to park my car. I will sell them for the price of shipping....

Not really... all he would say is that he couldn't "win" without doing it. And that at the time, "it didn't seem wrong".

Wanna buy a yellow wrist band? I have 120,000 of them in my garage where I used to park my car. I will sell them for the price of shipping....

I will take one of them please.
Just mail it to the Park; they will find me.


I just finished my code of conduct, etc courses, it says we have the responsibility to come forward on anyone who is violating it. Doesnt lying about your education in order to move up the corporate ladder violate these principles???

I just finished my code of conduct, etc courses, it says we have the responsibility to come forward on anyone who is violating it. Doesnt lying about your education in order to move up the corporate ladder violate these principles???

Anybody think it won't matter? Abbvie gets launched, the downsizing/reorg/whatever comes down the pike soon after, and RG retires, again. He's out with a great deal, takes all the vitriol of the cutbacks with him, and the new CEO gets the appreciation of the survivors.

Just a fairy tale ending.

Really! Where is Don Patton when we need him most!? The whole reason he came over was to run the new company, so he did his duty, sent thousands to the exit doors, and then BOOM! Little Rickey comes in and get the job.
Go figure.

Ricky lied because he was concerned whether AbbVie was going to be spelled with a Big A and a little V or a big A and a big V.

Do you guys have a big A burger or is it the Vie burger now

Happy lapping