NOW more than ever

do I believe this place is managed by a bunch of self-serving toads. We should be going down in flames soon...especially pharma, what a joke.

No, we will continue to troll for chumps to swallow this thing. WP has buried too much money in this. That is not to say they may ultimately overload this thing with debt and BK it. On their books that would work. We will just be human fodder. They've played that angle before. If one of the units does get sold off independently it will make it much easier to BK what is left over and look great on their books.

No, we will continue to troll for chumps to swallow this thing. WP has buried too much money in this. That is not to say they may ultimately overload this thing with debt and BK it. On their books that would work. We will just be human fodder. They've played that angle before. If one of the units does get sold off independently it will make it much easier to BK what is left over and look great on their books.

Agreed...whyizzit we constantly hire retreads from other companies who go out and hire has beens for the field?? Desperation?

Southeasterner here. Turned down offer during the Orlando hire, just found out who wound up taking job! Unbelievable. B&L will take anyone if this girl got this job...not what you would call "quality".