Welcome yo the party MSNBC.... It's getting crowded in this place we call REALITY!
MSNBC debunks claims that "Obama lied" and "Obama Care Sticker Shock"
See the videos entitled "Affordable Care Facts" and "Obama Care Sticker Shock"
Things just never turn out the way that you claim huh?
Welcome yo the party MSNBC.... It's getting crowded in this place we call REALITY!
Yeah o.k.. welcome to party Fox News, Glen Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, and the rest of your right wing cronies...
Fox News and many on the right have been predicting this catastrophe for months leading up to this debacle we know as Obamacare. MSNBC defended Obamacare until long after the collapse was apparent. As such... Welcome to the party, liberal drones.
Now I know what staff writers for Fox News do on there spare time.. post to this board !
Didn't you get the lib memo? You do NOT talk about Obamacare.
Yeah, I got the memo that you're an moron this morning.