November National Oncology Meeting - Dallas


Who is excited for the November National Oncology Meeting in Dallas?

Who are we going to see up on the bright shiny spotlight as the new Director of Sales, who do you think it will be?

Are we ever going to leave the hotel, will be see the daylight?

I wonder if there are any fun team builders?

gosh, i just can't wait!


Who is excited for the November National Oncology Meeting in Dallas?

Who are we going to see up on the bright shiny spotlight as the new Director of Sales, who do you think it will be?

Are we ever going to leave the hotel, will be see the daylight?

I wonder if there are any fun team builders?

gosh, i just can't wait!
Well of course Ms. T. Cohen

Who is excited for the November National Oncology Meeting in Dallas?

Who are we going to see up on the bright shiny spotlight as the new Director of Sales, who do you think it will be?

Are we ever going to leave the hotel, will be see the daylight?

I wonder if there are any fun team builders?

gosh, i just can't wait!

Well now...Ms. T. Cohen......

Well if Paul Cruz gets on stage you can expect some corny salsa dancing and then he might give a sob cancer story which will include some crying to get your attention. I think it was around 2006 or 2007 that Merck leadership decided that sales presentations should include guilt and crying to motivate the salesforce to sell. Alina Ehrlich and Paul Cruz were the Queen and King of tear filled stories in the Vaccine Division shortly thereafter. Alina would draw on underlings she knew with problems, but not her own, and Paul talked about his sibling dying of cancer. The first time Paul did it to convey the importance of getting vaccinated with Gardasil, it did affect many of us. However when he kept doing it over time we figured out he was using the horrible story as a guilt trip to the salesforce. There are even articles being written about Merck's pathetic attempt to use guilt trip television commercials to sell Gardasil. Enjoy the tear jerker meeting. I will be laughing at the bar avoiding the nonsense.

Well if Paul Cruz gets on stage you can expect some corny salsa dancing and then he might give a sob cancer story which will include some crying to get your attention. I think it was around 2006 or 2007 that Merck leadership decided that sales presentations should include guilt and crying to motivate the salesforce to sell. Alina Ehrlich and Paul Cruz were the Queen and King of tear filled stories in the Vaccine Division shortly thereafter. Alina would draw on underlings she knew with problems, but not her own, and Paul talked about his sibling dying of cancer. The first time Paul did it to convey the importance of getting vaccinated with Gardasil, it did affect many of us. However when he kept doing it over time we figured out he was using the horrible story as a guilt trip to the salesforce. There are even articles being written about Merck's pathetic attempt to use guilt trip television commercials to sell Gardasil. Enjoy the tear jerker meeting. I will be laughing at the bar avoiding the nonsense.
This meeting is great, having a tremendous time after hours and spending lots of money at the bar. I love these meetings. Thank you management!

You must be referencing a primary care meeting.

Primary care meetings were never this low budget. Same shitty buffet for every meal except for one where we passed the same food around family style. Breakfast was cold and awful too. No swag, no free time (even the evenings had activity). Worst meeting ever.

Primary care meetings were never this low budget. Same shitty buffet for every meal except for one where we passed the same food around family style. Breakfast was cold and awful too. No swag, no free time (even the evenings had activity). Worst meeting ever.
I found the meeting to be great! Y'all must have been at a different meeting!

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