November 26


The Tuesday before Thanksgiving? That can't be right...

Could be.. if it saves a nickle.
I had a cousin who is an engineer that was downsize with a large of employees on Monday Feb 25, instead of that Friday March 1, 2013. Why...because the company would of had to pay another Month of Insurance and other costs if the announcement was made that Friday. It could be a similar situation of the way the calendar falls that month?
I am a rep with 20+ years with Merck..nothing would surprise me now.. Just make the announcement and the depth of the cuts...

The announcements will be in Oct not Nov. Many cuts will be overseas but a lot of US cuts as well. 20k or so before the end of 2013. You'll know the post is true in a few weeks.

Could be.. if it saves a nickle.
I had a cousin who is an engineer that was downsize with a large of employees on Monday Feb 25, instead of that Friday March 1, 2013. Why...because the company would of had to pay another Month of Insurance and other costs if the announcement was made that Friday. It could be a similar situation of the way the calendar falls that month?
I am a rep with 20+ years with Merck..nothing would surprise me now.. Just make the announcement and the depth of the cuts...
Yes but the Merck severance plan includes payments for insurance so not sure if that logic on the day would work so well here. It is paid on a month basis though so end of the month might seem reasonable. On the other hand, they want to get rid of them sooner so earlier the better.

Why are they reducing a few head counts on October 7th if there is going to be a large layoff in November? It does not make sense. I am calling BS on the November rumor.

I think you are right. Can you elaborate some more? Thanks for the info.

Merck cuts and downsizes when it makes sense for payout and bonus changes, it's too hard to layoff a big group of people in the middle of a quarter. Maybe end of Nov or early December announcement? Maybe not? Layoffs happen anytime, anywhere. The future of Merck lies in R&D and the managers, reps that decide not to jump ship.

The announcements will be in Oct not Nov. Many cuts will be overseas but a lot of US cuts as well. 20k or so before the end of 2013. You'll know the post is true in a few weeks.

I agree that it will occur in October by the 28th for this reason:

I believe that that during the sales and earnings call, the executive management will want to assure analysts and shareholders that they are in the fix-it phase. Not that we know how to fix-it or that we will fix-it but they have already taken the first step to fix-it. They must tell these guys something beyond all of the recent bad news regarding earnings and the three clinical trials that have recently been nixed by the FDA.

Merck cuts and downsizes when it makes sense for payout and bonus changes, it's too hard to layoff a big group of people in the middle of a quarter. Maybe end of Nov or early December announcement? Maybe not? Layoffs happen anytime, anywhere. The future of Merck lies in R&D and the managers, reps that decide not to jump ship.

Actually big announcement is coming next week probably Tuesday. Large cuts across company, research to be hit pretty hard as well. It's not good ....

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