Novartis to pay $150 million for Sandoz fraud

As I predicted as early as 3 years ago, this company was in for a rude awakening. But they knew what they have done for long time, since the murder (not merger) of those 2 wonderful companies in 1996. At that time the orders went out to the new breed of management that use of illegal shit must become commonplace as use of legal BS. That way the company rapidly increase the biz for when you cheat, steal, bribe, lie and use other illegal, criminal, immoral and unethical shit you are able to increase your returns exponentially. But things are catching up with this crookest of the crooked companies and you see the results. This is not the last exposure and fine, there are more to come almost on regular basis. Of course whistleblowers were involved in this case too, for some of that 150 Million has gone to them.
What is interersting in this case is that the DOJ was not involved (for whatever reasons) but only lawyers and WBers who went after crooks under the FCA. Moral of this story for you, still kept around to do their bidding is that U 2 should, in fact must look for that evidence of their crooked ways, collect it, file it and when ready, do the right thing. If the feds are not interested you go to those special lawfirms with that file and they would do the rest.
This company is a gold mine for those smart and willing to WBlow. On the sad note, Sandoz that was murdered by that murder in 1996 is no more, but they used that noble name for their generic co. The Sandoz family most of them 6 feet under the Basel soil, must be turning in their graves with knowledge that their name has been abused to this extent by these low life bastards. If for no other reason, you who has the evidence, do the right thing and get them buried by huge fines and one day we'll see them do the jail time they deserve."They" being the management and their helpers who are behind planning, approval and implementation of this criminal way of doing biz. They are true ORGANIZED CORPORATE CRIME.