Novartis stop making the unvax test every week.


I also agree with the original post. I was all for testing the unvaccinated but this new variant. Has changed everything for me. So many people I know have it now and most of them are vaccinated. I am scared!

The above poster probably didn't get a lilipop so him is scared to get a shot. I say test the hell out of everyone. Do it if I have company that I don't have a vaccine status. They don't cry either

You are a moron and that is being nice. You really think everyone that gets covid ends up in the ICU. Good lord how does Novartis hire such idiots. You must be on a PIP.
Never said that so you must be the fool who cannot understand the basic facts on how covid affects the unvaccinated much more than the vaccinated. Oh wait a minute that would mean you’d need to get your head out of your ass to read and understand the published data

"Ok fool, you won’t take up that hospital bed too long once you catch COVID bwahaha"

You wished for me and my kids to get covid and end up in the hospital. You are a sick little man and a total loser in life. I feel sad for your wife if you have one.

"Ok fool, you won’t take up that hospital bed too long once you catch COVID bwahaha"

You wished for me and my kids to get covid and end up in the hospital. You are a sick little man and a total loser in life. I feel sad for your wife if you have one.
Touched a nerve there, eh honey? Get the damn vaccine, wear a mask and you are much less likely to need to worry about covid for your pathetic self or family

not that difficult, popeye

"Ok fool, you won’t take up that hospital bed too long once you catch COVID bwahaha"

You wished for me and my kids to get covid and end up in the hospital. You are a sick little man and a total loser in life. I feel sad for your wife if you have one.

touched a nerve there, eh honey? Get the damn vaccines and wear a mask and there’s much less chance you’ll need to worry about covid and ending up in the hospital

Or is that too simple for your little mind too process, darling?

You are a moron and that is being nice. You really think everyone that gets covid ends up in the ICU. Good lord how does Novartis hire such idiots. You must be on a PIP.
Not everyone who doesn’t get the vacc gets sick BUT nearly all the people hospitalized with this virus are unvaccinated. But by all means, go with the medical advice you got from some truck driver on Facebook who “did his own research”.

Not everyone who doesn’t get the vacc gets sick BUT nearly all the people hospitalized with this virus are unvaccinated. But by all means, go with the medical advice you got from some truck driver on Facebook who “did his own research”.
That is a fallacy that the media keeps pumping out. Facts are inconvenient.