Novartis Stock Tanking & so it begins


Yep, that's what everyone said when it went from 62 down to 58 awhile back....think those sellers wanted it back when it hit 73+ this week?? If you guys study market movement and volatility charts you'd realize that prices go up AND down....but when the trend is up, you stay with it. I'm watching it carefully for the signs to sell, but it hasn't shown me anything yet.

Yep, that's what everyone said when it went from 62 down to 58 awhile back....think those sellers wanted it back when it hit 73+ this week?? If you guys study market movement and volatility charts you'd realize that prices go up AND down....but when the trend is up, you stay with it. I'm watching it carefully for the signs to sell, but it hasn't shown me anything yet.

Are you serious? What products are left? Bahaha!

I have not understood how this stock could be climbing when they can't even get products out the door? The Diovan delay is a gift with a looming deadline... No OTC, no primary care and no V&D...
If it wasn't for Alcon what is there??????
Fanapt, Xolair with the a split to Genentech and Oncology

I have not understood how this stock could be climbing when they can't even get products out the door? The Diovan delay is a gift with a looming deadline... No OTC, no primary care and no V&D...
If it wasn't for Alcon what is there??????
Fanapt, Xolair with the a split to Genentech and Oncology


Yep, that's what everyone said when it went from 62 down to 58 awhile back....think those sellers wanted it back when it hit 73+ this week?? If you guys study market movement and volatility charts you'd realize that prices go up AND down....but when the trend is up, you stay with it. I'm watching it carefully for the signs to sell, but it hasn't shown me anything yet.

So much for the 'tanking' part....

I guess you guys just need to turn your charts around....the market is telling you that they have faith in the ability of NVS to continue doinf what it takes to be profitable and give big fat dividend checks. They don't give a rats a$$ about the reps or the near term pipeline.

As stated here before - good traders don't sell a rising market.

So much for the 'tanking' part....

I guess you guys just need to turn your charts around....the market is telling you that they have faith in the ability of NVS to continue doinf what it takes to be profitable and give big fat dividend checks. They don't give a rats a$$ about the reps or the near term pipeline.

As stated here before - good traders don't sell a rising market.

True..but it's all smoke and mirrors, there is nothing left. Soon everyyone will get that and when everyone starts pulling out..Novartis will be gone. Lets face it , it already is.

You think analysts and hedge fund managers don't have access to all the same info you are looking at to make your prediction? Plus, I would think they have MORE info - in the form of well paid advisors (insiders). oh wait, insider trading never happens....

Dope. 75 range

Dope..yes it's 75 range..but most of that is coming from Europe. Don't think for a minute that they won't cut off a lot more of the USA to keep that price high. It's simple economics..If they have to lay off the entire PC sales force, or cut it down to even 1/4 of what it is today as well as cut back in other US divisions that aren't doing well, they will do it to keep profits high. So, you're the dope..the 75 range isn't going to do anything to keep jobs in the US it will just reinforce what needs to be done.

Duh....this thread is about the stock tanking and you just went out and reinforced the reason it isn't. Doesn't matter where the fundamental changes occur to keep the stock solid - just the fact that it is. It's obvious there is only one group this company is focused on keeping happy and that is the stockholder (welcome to the modern global corporate mantra). I'm just glad I took all options over the last 7 years and am now, finally, seeing that strategy pay off.

I know, let's get the replies from all the peanut gallery now - 'better enjoy it now cuz you won't have a job soon'. Well, I am enjoying it and I'll continue to as long as there is a paycheck to cash. When that ends, I'll cash out and move on. Not worried about what's next because whatever it is will be better than this place!

Duh....this thread is about the stock tanking and you just went out and reinforced the reason it isn't. Doesn't matter where the fundamental changes occur to keep the stock solid - just the fact that it is. It's obvious there is only one group this company is focused on keeping happy and that is the stockholder (welcome to the modern global corporate mantra). I'm just glad I took all options over the last 7 years and am now, finally, seeing that strategy pay off.

I know, let's get the replies from all the peanut gallery now - 'better enjoy it now cuz you won't have a job soon'. Well, I am enjoying it and I'll continue to as long as there is a paycheck to cash. When that ends, I'll cash out and move on. Not worried about what's next because whatever it is will be better than this place!

Thanks #17. What do I care why the stock is going up? I've been gradually selling my options at 71, 73, 74.50. Retired and loving it.

Why sell at those levels? if you are retired, do you need the cash? I would put a trailing stop in the market and dump them all below a certain level - say $70. If it keeps going up, the ones you've sold would have been worth a lot more - duh.

Legendary investor Warren Buffett advises to be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. One way we can try to measure the level of fear in a given stock is through a technical analysis indicator called the Relative Strength Index, or RSI, which measures momentum on a scale of zero to 100. A stock is considered to be oversold if the RSI reading falls below 30.

In trading on Monday, shares of Novartis (NYSE: NVS) entered into oversold territory, hitting an RSI reading of 25.4, after changing hands as low as $67.674 per share. By comparison, the current RSI reading of the S&P 500 ETF (SPY) is 34.9.